curvilinear coordinates. This treatment includes in particular a direct proof of the three-dimensional Korn inequality in curvilinear coordinates. The fourth and last chapter, which heavily relies on
Based on courses taught to advanced undergraduate students, this book offers a broad introduction to the methods of numerical linear algebra and optimization. The prerequisites are familiarity with th
This is the only book available that fully analyzes the mathematical foundations of the finite element method. Not only is it valuable reference and introduction to current research, it is also a work
The objective of Volume III is to lay down the proper mathematical foundations of the two-dimensional theory of shells. To this end, it provides, without any recourse to anya priori assumptions of a g
Non-Newtonian flows and their numerical simulations have generated an abundant literature, as well as many publications and references to which can be found in this volume’s articles. This abundance o
This book collects papers mainly presented at the "International Conference on Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Control and Approximation" (May 28 to June 1, 2012 in Shanghai) in honor of the s