Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)
Sam (Royal Academy of Arts Phillips UK)
Blitterswijk, Clemens Van (KNAW (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), The Netherlands),De Boer, Jan (Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Netherlands)
Jane Martineau (EDT)/ Andrew Robison (EDT)/ Jane Martineau/ Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)/ National Gallery of Art (U. S.)
Jane Martineau (EDT)/ Andrew Robison (EDT)/ Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)/ Natio
John Golding/ Sophie Bowness/ Isabelle Monod-Fontaine/ Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)/ Tex.) Menil Collection (Houston
Martin (The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Soberg Denmark)
Ray Smith/ Ray Wright/ James Horton/ Michael Wright/ Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)