This book explains how studies in brain development and epigenetics—the inextricable interplay of genes and environments—have led to breakthroughs in the understanding of children's psychological dist
Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other contributors look at the problem of over-medicating children, ethical and legal considerations, and solutions. Their topics include from ice pick lobotomies to
Scrutinizes the incredible increase in the number of children - some as young as one year old - being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and being treated as a result with drugs that have dangerous sid
This volume spotlights how children are, at younger and younger ages, being sexualized, and what the psychological and physical consequences are, as well as what adults can do politically and legally
Experts from across disciplines join forces here to focus attention on current American culture and the devastating effects it is having on its children. From children developing surprising physical
Educators, neurologists, and psychologists explain how the high-stakes testing movement, and the race to wire classrooms, is actually stunting our children's intellects, blocking brain development and
A stellar group of authors from across disciplines explains the alarming increase in the use of psychotropic medications, questions the causes, and presents disturbing thoughts regarding this phenome