Eros of International Relations: Self-Feminizing and the Claiming of Postcolonial Chineseness is a distinctive work that explores the much-neglected Chinese perspective in broader international relations theory. Using the concept of “self-feminizing”―adoption of a feminine identity to oblige and achieve mutual caring as a relational strategy―this book argues that postcolonial actors have employed gendered identities in order to survive the squeezing pressure of globalization and nationalism in their own ways. Sovereign actors who have historically claimed to act on behalf of Chineseness have taken advantage of the images of femininity thrust upon them by transnational capitalism, the media, or intellectual thought.Shih illustrates the feminist potential for emancipation through a range of empirical examples, showing that women of various Chinese characteristics, acting on behalf of their nation, city, and corporations, reject the masculinization of their groups of belonging as remedy f
Becoming a sinologist means deconstructing stereotypical notions of China’s rise in the twenty-first century. The sinologists in this volume actively think through and adapt to their particular histor
For students of Chinese art and culture this anthology has proven invaluable since its initial publication in 1985. It collects important Chinese writings about painting, from the earliest examples th
Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Principles and Methods concentrates on the biostatistics component of clinical trials. Developed from the authors’ courses taught to public health a
◎The first book in the world detailing the development history and clinical application of plasma exchange in solving aging problems.◎Heterochronic Parabiosis is science, not medical.◎If you are struggling with aging problems, this book will help you understand the root cause of the problems.◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見
Sinophone studies—the study of Sinitic-language cultures and communities around the world—has become increasingly interdisciplinary over the past decade. Today, it spans not only literary studies and cinema studies but also history, anthropology, musicology, linguistics, art history, and dance. More and more, it is in conversation with fields such as postcolonial studies, settler-colonial studies, migration studies, ethnic studies, queer studies, and area studies.This reader presents the latest and most cutting-edge work in Sinophone studies, bringing together both senior and emerging scholars to highlight the interdisciplinary reach and significance of this vital field. It argues that Sinophone studies has developed a distinctive conceptualization of power at the convergence of different intellectual traditions, offering new approaches to questions of plurality, hierarchy, oppression, and resistance. In so doing, this book shows, Sinophone studies has provided valuable conceptual tool
A Cottager's Sketchbook is a collection of informal essays written by Liang Shih-chiu over a span of more than four decades. The earliest pieces originally appeared in a weekly in the wartime capital
《無極天主正教真傳實錄》Rectificación y Mejora de Principios Naturales本書是西班牙道明會嗃呣𠿢(Juan Cobo)神父,為了向華人宣揚天主教義及西方科學知識,在馬尼拉當地閩南人的幫助下完成翻譯工作,而後在華人刻工的協助下,於1593年完成刻版印刷傳世。書分為九個章節,前三章主要為介紹天主教教義,後六章則是有關天文、地理及動植物的科學知識,並附上生動的圖說,為現存世界上最早以閩南語將十六世紀西歐知識譯成漢字的書籍,具體呈現大航海時代閩南人與西班牙人在宗教、科學知識交流的過程與成果,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of the World)的重要資產。This book was written by Spanish Dominican missionary Juan Cobo, who wished to spread Catholicism and western scientific knowledge to Chinese people. Its translation was completed in Manila with help from local Hokkien people, and it was printed in 1593 with aid from Chinese typographers. The book had nine chapters; the first three chapters mainly introduced Catholic doctrines, while the remaining six chapters contained scientific knowledge from fields such as astronomy, geography, zoology, and botany, which were complemented with vivid graphic illustrations. This book was considered the earliest work that translated 16th century Western European knowledge into Hokkien with Chinese charac
本份手稿現藏於義大利羅馬安吉利卡圖書館,為1604年耶穌會會士Pedro Chirino與菲律賓唐人合作編撰而成,作為西班牙人學習閩南語之用。手稿分成雜字與生活用語兩部份,前者依循閩南地區流行的《雜字》書籍內容,收錄日常使用的字、詞,後者則是摘錄當時唐人生活使用的句子,在這些用語之旁,加注西班牙文對應字與拼寫閩南讀音。此一手稿為現存所見最早的西班牙與閩南人語言交流的文本,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of theWorld)的重要資產。