Author of over a dozen bestsellers, Academy Award-winning screenwriter, and creator of some of television's greatest hits, Sheldon has seen and done it all, and now in this candid memoir, he shares hi
This true legal thriller debunks everything the media and the government told us about the Department of Justice’s destruction and prosecution of the venerable accounting firm Arthur Andersen, Merrill
This volume features two of the most acclaimed stories by Mao Dun. Whereas "The Shop of the Lin Family" records the bankruptcy of traditional commercial system as a result of foreign economic invasion
This book examines Hong Kong foodways in different periods of social development and hopes to advance anthropological inquiries by addressing issues concerning identity, migration, consumerism, globalization, and the invention of local cuisines in the context of Hong Kong as a fast-changing society in East Asia.
烘焙初學者入門、進階者必備BOOK!麵包攪拌工法大揭密▸ 燙種、老麵、液種等,帶你一次學;蛋糕拌合法零藏私▸ 粉油拌合、全蛋打發等,必學攪打方式;中式點心必學▸ 油皮、油酥製作,和餡料製作、配搭,全揭祕;西式小點必修▸ 擠花餅乾、雪花餅、司康等不敗甜點,一本蒐;\讓你跟著操作,輕鬆做出美味甜點!/☾圖文步驟=各式工法大公開☽◆吐司、甜麵包、餐包、軟歐包、貝果,運用不同製作工法:直接法、中種法、老麵法、液種法一次呈現。◆磅蛋糕、馬芬、費南雪、瑪德蓮、生乳捲、波士頓派,運用不同製作方式:粉油拌合法、全蛋打發、油糖打發法、蛋白打發法完整呈現。帶你從不同工法、製作方法中實際學習,理解各式操作方法,再進一步搭配應用,新手、熟手必備的一本書!☾TIPS貼心提醒=作者暖心陪伴☽製作過程中句句TIPS,不忘叮嚀細節與說明原因,讓操作者能在操作中理解,並融會貫通,在每次的製作過程中,累積更多信心;在出爐的成品中,吃下口口美味與滿足!☾達人暖心食譜=陪你度過各個日子☽在一年365天中,日日陪伴你度過每個日常、節慶等小日子食譜書。◆蛋黃酥、綠豆椪、螺旋酥等,各式酥餅陪你歡度佳節。◆擠花餅乾、壓模餅乾、雪花餅、達克瓦滋、甜鹹司康等美味小點,陪你度過每一天。用易操作的方法、簡單的材料,做出美味小點,讓你在家輕鬆烤,日日都有烘焙香,療癒且滿足你多變味蕾!本書特色▸新手友善✕圖文步驟Step by step份量適合小家庭,可手拿食譜直接製作,搭配圖文步驟,讓你用家庭烤箱輕鬆開工,Step by step走向成功!▸關鍵細節✕零失敗私宅烘焙油糖打發、全蛋打發、蛋白攪打等在操作中須知的溫度、細節;以及輕鬆捲出不斷裂的生乳捲、麵包整型方式、中式點心內餡處理與製作手法等操作須知,零藏私告訴你!▸易取得食材✕做出美味甜點、麵包運用簡單、易取得食材,製作出常溫蛋糕、麵包、中西式甜點等令人驚呼的美味,帶你將烘焙,成為美好生活的一環!
Since Mexico’s defeat in the Mexican-American War of the 1840s, the United States has continued to dominate Mexico economically, militarily, and politically. This long history of asymmetry has