卡內基獎決選入圍、Sue Divin初試啼聲之作。Iona和Aidan簡直是北愛衝突裡各族群對立面的縮影:Iona是信奉新教的英格蘭人,愛爾蘭男孩Aidan則是懷抱共和主義的天主教徒。相識於一場宗派攻擊,身處巨大鴻溝兩端的兩人,能否跨越社會氛圍下的阻撓與排拒,成為彼此的救贖?Boy meets girl on the Northern Irish border in Guard Your Heart, by Sue Divin, Derry. Summer 2016. Aidan and Iona, now eighteen, were both born on the day of the Northern Ireland peace deal.Aidan is Catholic, Irish, and Republican. With his ex-political prisoner father gone and his mother dead, Aidan's hope is pinned on exam results earning him a one-way ticket out of Derry. To anywhere.Iona, Protestant and British, has a brother and father in the police. She's got university ambitions, a strong faith and a fervent belief that boys without one track minds are a myth. At a post-exam party, Aidan wanders alone across the Peace Bridge and becomes the victim of a brutal sectarian attack.Iona witnessed the attack; picked up Aidan's phone and filmed what happened, and gets in touch with him to return the phone. When the two meet, alone and on neutral
What if finding out who you truly are means undermining everything you've ever known? The gripping new YA novel from the acclaimed author of Guard Your Heart.