In the parable of the sower, Jesus foretold all the ways the world would try to reject God’s Word. Rocks will be thrown at the righteous, dirty birds will try to steal your peace and assurance, and br
A memory and photo-filled twentieth anniversary celebration of the Operation Christmas Child ministry that has inspired everyday people to provide more than 93 million gift-filled shoeboxes to needy c
Now available in paperback, Through My Father’s Eyes takes an intimate look at Billy Graham’s incredible life and unstoppable calling through the unique perspective of his son Franklin.As
Billy Graham es una de las personas más queridas y respetadas del planeta, su declaradopropósito en la vida siempre ha sido evidente, ayudar a la gente a encontrar una relación personal con Dios a tra
In Jesus’ day, it was common for large crowds to gather to hear His words. Some people were curious. Some were skeptical. Some were burdened. Some were joyous. Still, the Son of Man sowed the seed of
Presents a retelling of the parable of the sower, intended to inspire Christians to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and serve as an example of the Christian faith to others in the modern world.
God Speaks His Word Straight Into The Hearts Of Men And Women.The Word Of God Is Alive And Active Today In The Lives Of Millions.With the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as his singular focus, Billy G