Do you know what your dog, cat, and neighborhood squirrels are saying behind your back? The truth comes out in this fully updated collection of comics from the viral hit THEY CAN TALK. Jimmy Craig, humor writer and artist behind the popular webcomic series "They Can Talk," offers more than 100+ hilarious animal comics in this comprehensive collection imagining what it would be like if we had VIP access to the lives of our animal friends. These colorful illustrated comics include the inner thoughts of creatures from across the animal kingdom--from misunderstood sharks and trouble-making bears to the often complicated relationship between you and your pet cat. Get dating advice from raccoons, some life perspective from dogs, and learn why cats are always knocking things off of shelves. Updated to include brand new comics, fan favorites, redrawn classics, Are You Gonna Eat That? is the perfect quirky gift for any lover of animals, or for anyone who just loves to laugh.
Thousands of books have been written about the latest and greatest diets that will help people lose weight and improve health. But a key element in any successful nutritional health program is a tried
In historical accounts, Aradia has many faces: she is depicted as the daughter of a goddess, as the leader of a resistance movement, as the ‘first witch,’ as the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, and
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Jimmy Fallon, host of NBC's The Tonight Show and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA and Everything Is Mama, returns with a book that teaches new babies the wor
Jimmy Fallon, host of NBC's The Tonight Show, and one of the most popular entertainers in the world, is also a father. His children's book is funny and warm and adorable—just like he is.Your baby's fi