Follow a family therapist’s narrative diary as he documents the process of working with the Salazars, as they explore each stage of their relationship-from courtship through the departure of the child
For parents fed up with constant challenges to their authority-but who dread becoming tyrants in their own homes-this book provides a powerful new alternative to "because I said so." Trusted family t
Mike Nichols與Dick Schwartz在本書中訴說了家族治療的故事,而且說得非常好。業界中想再找出可讀性更高或資訊更充足之入門書,實非易事。就家族治療之教科書而言,本書不但內容豐富,而且清晰、毫不拐彎抹角。其諸多優點聚而為一,是令人振奮且可讀性高之讀物。一路讀去,必然像是段迷人的旅程,且悠游其中吧。
Each of us is controlled in some way by shame, one of the ugliest emotions in human experience. It saps our self-respect, builds walls between people, and forces us to create elaborate defenses to pro
VideoWOrkshop is more than just video footage you can show in class. It's a total teaching and lreaning system for your classroom! Our complete program includes quality video footage on a
"That isn't what I meant " Truly listening and being heard is far from simple, even between people who care about each other. This perennial bestseller--now revised and updated for the digital age--has helped more than 150,000 readers resolve conflicts and transform their personal and professional relationships. Renowned therapist Michael P. Nichols analyzes how any conversation can go off the rails and provides essential skills for building mutual understanding. Thoughtful, witty, and empathic, the book is filled with vivid stories of couples, coworkers, friends, and family working through tough emotions and navigating differences of all kinds. With new coauthor Martha B. Straus, the third edition reflects the huge impact of technology and social media on relationships, and gives advice for talking to loved ones across social and political divides.
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A step-by-step guide to assessing couples and families, this text offers a clear delineation of the process of family therapy through richly illustrated case material, featuring clients from a diversi