Sleuthing duo Emily and James tackle their most challenging mystery yet set on the haunting Alcatraz Island in Book 3 of the New York Times-bestselling, middle-grade Book Scavenger series by Jennifer
Sleuthing duo Emily and James tackle their most challenging mystery yet set on the haunting Alcatraz Island in Book 3 of the New York Times bestselling Book Scavenger series!Legendary literary game-ma
3C世代的《福爾摩斯》、書籍版《寶可夢》一本從愛書人、推理迷,到遊戲玩家皆不忍釋卷的冒險解謎小說!美國亞馬遜書店年度選書兒童文學作家王文華|推理評論人冬陽|推理作家李柏青|資深譯者卓妙容|光德國中教師張文銘|台灣推理作家協會祕書長張東君|親子專欄作家陳安儀 好評推薦!◎國內外得獎記錄★第71、73梯次好書大家讀★榮登博客來書店暢銷榜★亞馬遜網路書店年度選書(Amazon Best Book of