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Gary D. Farney (2)
Jan Morris (2)
Toby E. Huff (2)
珍.莫里斯 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Faber & Faber (1)
Vintage Books (1)
八旗文化 (1)

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作者:珍.莫里斯  出版社:八旗文化  出版日:2023/08/02 裝訂:精裝
從英屬香港到中國特別行政區,重探香港回歸前的最後風貌英國「終身成就」金筆獎得主──珍.莫里斯爬梳香港一百五十六年發展史最完整的非虛構寫作經典!結合第一手珍貴史料及三十年間多次遊歷的親身見聞以大英帝國的角度和香港「局外人」的身分現身忠實重現香港過去的原型與今日的風貌……觀察香港懸浮在英國殖民歷史與中國不確定的未來之間的命運!◆「珍.莫里斯不但出版了一部精湛的帝國史,也撰寫了一部描述香港的最佳著作!」──「末代港督」彭定康========================本書寫成於一九九七年香港政權轉移前,被譽為爬梳香港發展史最經典的非虛構寫作。在作者筆下,讀者宛如身歷其境,一方面看她於一九九七年到來的前一年重訪香港,記錄殖民帝國的最後一頁;一方面也看她在其中尋找香港一百五十多年歷史的風采,呈現香港過去的原型與時代下的各種風貌。▋在香港的骨子裡,從來不曾真正地脫離中國……作者珍.莫里斯彙整第一手史料與三十多年的香港遊歷見聞,指出香港在每個階段的變遷都與中國的內部動亂有關,同時也被動盪不定的國際局勢左右,而生活在當地的政商名流、妓女、海盜更影響著香港的社會發展……最重要的是社會體制、經濟體系的改變,以及對內地政權引起的衝突等等,無不道出香港身繫中國與英國拉扯、微妙曖昧的三角關係。莫里斯以老練精湛的筆法描繪了這座華洋雜處的城市、它的不同發展階段的各種形象;固然它與英國的關係更貼近,但實際上,這個大英帝國的殖民地從來不曾真正脫離過中國,從來不曾失去骨子裡的「華化」之感。值得注意的是,莫里斯的書寫之所以獨樹一幟,在於她以大英帝國的角度和香港「局外人」的身分,現身於香港獨特的歷史洪流來觀察香港、中國、英國三者之間密不可分的關係。既然香港最終要與大英帝國分道揚鑣,那麼,英國最後還能為自己的最後一塊殖民地留下些什麼,足以讓後世來評價呢? ▋沒有了英國,香港究竟會走向一條怎樣的路?香港的矛盾和瘋狂,宛如一部充滿戲劇張力的紀錄片。如同莫里斯所述,在大結局來到之前,任何事情都有可能發生,沒有人知道會怎樣,香港最惡劣的歷史可能還會重演:糟的是可能成為中國省份裡的受暴政統治、乖乖聽命的共產黨城市,好的話可能發展成新民主中國的典範、引導中國進步的北極星。而香港不管成為中國好的還是壞的那一部分,都注定得重新納入中國。莫里斯認為,以長遠來看,不去抵抗勢不可免之事或許才是明智之舉。這片殖民地並非是個慈善
定價:550 元, 優惠價:79 434
Hong Kong ─ Epilogue to an Empire
作者:Jan Morris  出版社:Vintage Books  出版日:1997/01/01 裝訂:平裝
On July 1, 1997, a world will come to an end, as one of the last outposts of the British empire returns to Chinese rule. No one has depicted that world - the dazzlingly modern, obdurately traditional
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Hong Kong:Epilogue to an Empire
作者:Jan Morris  出版社:Faber & Faber  出版日:2008/10/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:1040 元, 優惠價:79 822
作者:Toby E. Huff  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/10/31 裝訂:精裝
Seventeenth-century Europe witnessed an extraordinary flowering of discoveries and innovations. This study, beginning with the Dutch-invented telescope of 1608, casts Galileo's discoveries into a global framework. Although the telescope was soon transmitted to China, Mughal India, and the Ottoman Empire, those civilizations did not respond as Europeans did to the new instrument. In Europe, there was an extraordinary burst of innovations in microscopy, human anatomy, optics, pneumatics, electrical studies, and the science of mechanics. Nearly all of those aided the emergence of Newton's revolutionary grand synthesis, which unified terrestrial and celestial physics under the law of universal gravitation. That achievement had immense implications for all aspects of modern science, technology, and economic development. The economic implications are set out in the concluding epilogue. All these unique developments suggest why the West experienced a singular scientific and economic ascendanc
作者:Gary D. Farney  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/06/18 裝訂:精裝
The ancient Romans are usually thought of as a monolithic ethnic group, though in fact they formed a self-consciously pluralistic society. In this book, Gary D. Farney explores how senators from Rome's Republican period celebrated and manipulated their ethnic identity to get ahead in Rome's political culture. He examines how politicians from these lands tried to advertise positive aspects of their ethnic identity, how others tried to re-create a negative identity into something positive, and how ethnic identity advertisement developed over the course of Republican history. Finally, in an epilogue, Farney addresses how the various Italic identities coalesced into a singular Italian identity in the Empire, and how Rome's experience with Italic groups informed how it perceived other groups, such as Gauls, Germans, and Greeks.
Ethnic Identity and Aristocratic Competition in Republican Rome
作者:Gary D. Farney  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/04/30 裝訂:平裝
The ancient Romans are usually thought of as a monolithic ethnic group, though in fact they formed a self-consciously pluralistic society. In this book, Gary D. Farney explores how senators from Rome's Republican period celebrated and manipulated their ethnic identity to get ahead in Rome's political culture. He examines how politicians from these lands tried to advertise positive aspects of their ethnic identity, how others tried to re-create a negative identity into something positive, and how ethnic identity advertisement developed over the course of Republican history. Finally, in an epilogue, Farney addresses how the various Italic identities coalesced into a singular Italian identity in the Empire, and how Rome's experience with Italic groups informed how it perceived other groups, such as Gauls, Germans, and Greeks.
定價:3119 元, 優惠價:9 2807
Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution ─ A Global Perspective
作者:Toby E. Huff  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/10/11 裝訂:平裝
Seventeenth-century Europe witnessed an extraordinary flowering of discoveries and innovations. This study, beginning with the Dutch-invented telescope of 1608, casts Galileo's discoveries into a global framework. Although the telescope was soon transmitted to China, Mughal India, and the Ottoman Empire, those civilizations did not respond as Europeans did to the new instrument. In Europe, there was an extraordinary burst of innovations in microscopy, human anatomy, optics, pneumatics, electrical studies, and the science of mechanics. Nearly all of those aided the emergence of Newton's revolutionary grand synthesis, which unified terrestrial and celestial physics under the law of universal gravitation. That achievement had immense implications for all aspects of modern science, technology, and economic development. The economic implications are set out in the concluding epilogue. All these unique developments suggest why the West experienced a singular scientific and economic ascendanc
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345



