When Cam Jansen, her father, and her friend Eric go to the library, Cam finds a mystery to read. But soon, she has a mystery to solve. Her father's shopping list has disappeared. Cam decides to use he
Scaredy Squirrel has a holiday to-do list, and he's checked it way more than twice in this funny, reassuring graphic novel about getting ready for Christmas, perfect for fans of Narwhal and Jelly — and now available in paperback.In his third NUTTY ADVENTURE, Scaredy is getting ready for Christmas ahead of time . . . WAY ahead of time (June). When December finally rolls around, Scaredy has everything in place: perfect red-and-green decorations, a perfect get-together planned (no parties!), perfectly personalized gifts for each of his friends, all the required permits for gingerbread-house construction (perfectly filled out) and, of course, a perfectly secured premises with a perfect spot for Santa. Yup, nothing can possibly go wrong . . . until friends Rash and Tim break the decorations! But Scaredy is filled with the spirit of the holiday and happy to help his friends finish their Christmas shopping. (Unless they're shopping for Gary the germ?!) Prepare to get frestive with Scaredy and
Maisy is heading to town. What do you see? Babies and toddlers will make easy language connections thanks to the bright, appealing pictures and words in this tabbed board book.Here comes the bus for Maisy to ride into town. What can be seen on the way? At the supermarket, there are many things on Maisy’s list. What can you find? From getting ready to leave the house to perusing a garden center to shopping for clothes, from a bicycle to an umbrella to an assortment of treats, little ones will find many things to recognize and discover as they have fun learning first words with Maisy.
Celebrating REAL life! 與新世代的爸爸媽媽,一起討論家裡的「家事」與「心事」。 台灣第一本聚焦家庭的生活風格刊物,《Homework》新一期發行。 這一次,我們以「慶祝」為主題,希望呈現家庭如何以不同的方式慶祝節日,創造回憶。 採訪了四個主題家庭,分享了他們慶祝生活中大大小小、點點滴滴的獨特經歷。 我們也用了四首Beatles的歌〈We Can Work It Out〉、〈Mother Nature’s Son〉、〈Here, There And Everywhere〉、〈All You Need Is Love〉作為標題,希望在閱讀時你們能搭配著音樂去聆聽感受。 每個家庭,每段故事,都有珍貴的精彩畫面,除了希望這些片段能搭配文字、影像、音樂之外。還精選了許多與慶祝相關的選物、派對食譜、餐廳介紹、實用的APP推薦⋯⋯並請來專業醫師、心理諮商師、人類圖專家路嘉怡及作家葉揚,跟大家分享每個不同的家庭,不一樣性格的人,怎麼面對「慶祝」這件事。 每個人都有屬於自己的故事。你會怎麼定義「慶祝」呢? 「家事」永遠沒有任何正解與標準答案,但我們希望這期的內容有某些地方讓你有共鳴,甚至激發你與摯愛的人一起創造自己的珍貴回憶,讓我們,一起慶祝~ ▐ 主題家庭故事 山林老爸張震嶽 - 用音樂慶祝日常,把孩子帶在身邊,不管好壞都一起面對 雙胞胎家庭Licia & Brian - 做彼此最堅強的隊友,一起慶祝生活中得來不易的兩人時光 科技媽媽 Penny - 善用3C科技,幫助我們跨越物理距離,連結親情 分享實務分享愛Mei & Kenneth - 透過食物創造慶祝的另一種價值,將愛傳給更多有需要的人 ▐ 給爸媽的過節好物與推薦 Cooking Club - 不費力的家庭派對,大人輕鬆孩子滿意 Restaurant - 親子友善餐廳推薦,和孩子享用美味優雅的一餐 Shopping - 友善環境的送禮提案,父母也可以好好犒賞自己一番 Tech - 每個父母都需要一個好用的to do list,應付瘋狂的節慶╱育兒schedule ▐ 喜歡?討厭?慶祝時,每個人的心情都需要被照顧 Human Design - 人類圖說慶祝,原來我適合這種慶祝方式? Being Parents - 長大了才懂的 Holiday Blue,其實我們都不孤單 Let’s Tal
It's time for a trip to the grocery store, and there's lots to put in the shopping cart! Using the themed pop-out play pieces, perfect for little hands to hold, children can buy the items on the shopping list and then put them back in the right places. With easily recognizable grocery items from the different food groups such as fruit, vegetables, dairy, and meat, children will love getting into character and acting out real life roles. Once play is over, the pieces double up as a jigsaw puzzle, as children call upon skills of problem solving and logic to decide where the play pieces belong.