★入選北市圖2018第75梯次「好書大家讀」優良少年兒童讀物推介★公雞說:「我是為了那些不敢唱或忘記怎麼唱的人而唱。」有這麼一首歌,它永遠不會消失,只要還有人唱它──它的名字叫自由。 ★4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 【國際佳評如潮】☆榮獲童書作家與插畫家協會(SCBWI)金風箏榮譽獎(Golden Kite Honor Books)年度最佳圖畫書文字☆榮獲美國英語教師協會(NCTE)夏洛特‧哈克獎(Charlotte Huck Award)年度最佳童書榮譽獎☆榮獲拉丁現行素養國際拉丁圖書獎(Latino Literacy Now’s International Latino Book Awards)年度最佳兒童圖畫書英語類首獎☆榮獲《柯克思書評》(Kirkus Reviews)年度最佳圖畫書☆榮獲美國《出版人週刊》(Publisher’s Weekly)年度最佳圖畫書☆榮獲《學校圖書館期刊》(School Library Journal)年度最佳圖畫書☆榮獲美國《號角圖書》雜誌(Horn Book)年度最佳圖畫書☆榮獲美國《赫芬頓郵報》(Huffington Post)年度最佳圖畫書☆榮獲美國紐約公共圖書館(New York Public Library)年度最佳童書☆榮獲美國芝加哥公共圖書館(Chicago Public Library)年度最佳童書☆榮獲美國伊利諾州埃文斯頓公共圖書館(Evanston Public Library)年度最佳童書101選☆榮獲美國亞馬遜書店年度最佳童書☆提名兒童圖書館服務協會(ALSC)年度最受矚目圖畫書☆提名美國查特奧克年度童書獎(Charter Oak Children’s Book Award)☆提名美國羅德島州童書獎(Rhode Island Children's Book Award)☆入圍美國喬治亞州兒童圖畫書獎 (Georgia Children’s Picture book Award)年度決選☆美國亞馬遜書店近5星超高好評☆指標書評網站goodreads近千則超高好評 ★柯倩華(童書評論家) 專文導讀★幸佳慧(兒童文學工作者) 專文推薦★陳思宏(旅德作家) 專文推薦 【內容簡介】拉巴斯是一個很快樂但很吵的
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
One bothersome bug needs a warm place to stay – and Bear’s thick fur looks perfect. What a kerfuffle! Will Bear ever get this wiggly, tickly Bug to buzz off? Bug Bear is a hilariously entertaining pic
If you’re like most 18- to 34-year-olds, you’re drowning in debt. Student loans, credit cards, car payments, rent sometimes it seems like the whole system’s conspiring to keep you broke. Now it’s payb
Adelaide and Bear have tackled reading together, and now they are tackling math. Adelaide stands up for her best friend and his many talents, but will she convince her teacher to let Bear be her math
How do public markets, as ordinary as they seem, carry the weight of a city’s history? How do sucheveryday buildings reflect a city’s changing political, social, and economic needs, through their yearslong transformations in forms, functions, and management? Integrating architecture and history, this book invites readers to go through the growth and governance of colonial Hong Kong by tracing the past and present of public markets as a study of extensive firsthand historical materials. As the readers witness the changes in Hong Kong markets from hawker pitches to classical market halls to clean modernist municipal complexes, the book offers a new perspective of understanding the familiar everyday markets with historical contexts possibly unfamiliar to most, studying markets as a microcosm of the city and a capsule of its history. -------------- This book is a robust and in-depth study of the market building history of Hong Kong since the 1840s and contributes to a holistic un
Discover what Little Elephant gets up to and explore his world, in this fun and informative title from the Really Wild Families series. Little Elephant has a big and loving family led by her Mummy and she can't wait to introduce you to her siblings, aunts, and cousins. Little Elephant walks miles every day with her herd, are you excited to join her journey? Beautiful and bright illustrations will make this informative book a hit with children of all ages! This charming celebration of elephants will show children just how amazing nature is and is a reminder that it is up to us to care for the planet and its weird and wonderful creatures.Learn all about nature’s largest land animal:- What happens in the herd- How they are ‘ecosystem engineers’- The role of female elephants- Why elephants are endangered This adorable story is followed by a fun factivity section packed with craft projects, case studies and a quiz section at the back of the book, so you can put everything you have