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歐亨利短篇小說選 【原著雙語彩圖本】
作者:O. Henry  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2020/12/23 裝訂:平裝
I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don't know just where it is. 我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。 ─O Henry. Love and business and family and religion and art
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Escape This Book! Titanic/Tombs of Egypt/Race to the Moon (共3本)
作者:Bill Doyle; Sarah Sax  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2020/11/10 裝訂:平裝
In the Escape This Book series, YOU are the star of history! In this third book, you'll complete challenges similar to what the astronauts faced on Apollo 11 and 13 and get to meet famous NASA employees like Neil Armstrong and Katherine Johnson! Don't be afraid to rip or fold a page. Your mission might depend on it!9780525644217 Escape This Book! Titanic (平裝本)Activity book meets adventure in this series that is Choose Your Own Adventure meets I Survived meets doodle book! Doodle, decide, and demolish your way out of history's greatest events--the perfect book for fun and educational summer reading!Reader, beware! Once you open this book, there is no turning back. You will have three chances to survive the Titanic's fateful voyage. Decide which path to take first.Passenger: Exploring the ship is fun! Just don't get caught on the wrong deck when there's an iceberg ahead!Crew Member: You work for a family in first class. Can you persuade them to save you along with their beloved dog?
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
They'Re Bee-Hind You! (The Bad Guys #14)(平裝本)
作者:Aaron Blabey  出版社:Scholastic Asia  出版日:2022/06/01 裝訂:平裝
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE!"I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious!" -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog ManThey may look like Bad Guys, but these wannabe heroes are doing good deeds... whether you like it or not in this New York Times bestselling illustrated series.POP QUIZ! You are on the roof of a skyscraper. Every floor of that building has nasty things that just don't like you. And you REALLY need to get to the basement. Whaddaya do?! (And no, you can’t just join the B-Team and fly away in their glamorous new spaceship.) Think quick, chico, because the multiverse is getting worse!
庫存 > 10
定價:266 元, 優惠價:75 199
作者:劉曉亭  出版社:甜甜圈協會  出版日:2022/10/03 裝訂:平裝
Q:為什麼不喜歡輸的感覺?A:因為輸的時候,會找不到自我。Q:為什麼人會變老,青春永駐不是很好嗎?A:老,是上帝給人面對死亡的一種恩典與緩衝的過程Q:天堂真的存在嗎?A:如果上帝是真的,天堂就存在。所以,你相信上帝嗎?人類和動物最大的不同,就是我們會思考。什麼是幸福?生命的意義是什麼?上帝真的存在嗎?這些問題實在太重要了,如果想不通,不只會困擾人生,還會讓幸福卡關。因此,劉曉亭牧師在本書中精心安排31堂幸福必修課,並分成3門學分:「認識情緒」、「探索人生」,以及「親近上帝」,透過深入淺出、詼諧幽默的應答中,帶領讀者一同思考這些人生大哉問。每篇文章透過「情境劇」的模式開頭,邀請讀者和家人、朋友,以及親子共讀,一起腦力激盪,情感交流,分享相關主題的人生經驗,拉近人與人之間的距離。◆推薦文短摘:「現代人常感慨「人生好難」,的確,人生很不容易,有太多的疑問、太多的苦難,但劉曉亭牧師這本書提供了人們不少的解答與觀點。其中關於第一部份所談到情緒議題,更是讓身為精神科治療師的我感到佩服!現代人太需要這樣能促進情緒健康的解惑好書了!」—— 施以諾|暢銷書作家 / 輔大醫學院職能治療學系教授暨系主任「光是翻開第一課,看見金句:「熱情就是無聊的剋星」。哈!就讓我想通了許多情節。後來讀到第三課:「不要一直想受歡迎,就會受歡迎」,似乎看透了許多人生智慧的深處。這本書讓我有一直在挖寶的感覺。」——高敏智|台南聖教會牧師「小組一起上課, 分享一定火熱!」——陳光宇|聖教會總幹事「人生有許多必修卻沒有修過的「學分」,無論是情緒、人生,或是信仰。我們有許多問題想問,但是要問誰呢?誰肯給我們問呢? 劉三牧師的新書,不但讓我們問到飽,更適合讀書會、小組、小家等群體分享討論,讓人彼此之間可以激盪出不同的火花與有趣的互動。千萬不要錯過這本「好用」的「好」書喔!」——郭明昌|宜蘭基督之家牧師▌誠摯推薦王文基|宣道會牧師王武聰|台中忠孝路長老教會前主任牧師李棟良|宇宙光總幹事施以諾|暢銷書作家 / 輔大醫學院職能治療學系教授暨系主任高敏智|台南聖教會牧師莊逸宏|校園總幹事陳光宇|聖教會總幹事黃寬裕|衛理公會會督郭明昌|宜蘭基督之家牧師謝智謀|暢銷書作家
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
Soul Salvation: I Just Don't Get It!?
作者:Rumika E. McKnight  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2021/07/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:836 元, 優惠價:1 836
I Don't Want a Divorce ─ A 90 Day Guide to Saving Your Marriage
作者:David Clarke; William G. Clarke  出版社:Fleming H Revell Co  出版日:2016/10/18 裝訂:平裝
What could be good about a bad marriage? The good news is, you can get beyond that old marriage and its destructive habits, and build a brand-new one with the same spouse. And you can do it in just 90
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
The Best Short Stories of O. Henry
作者:O. HENRY  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2012/02/18 裝訂:平裝
I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don't know just where it is.我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。─O Henry. 歐.亨利(O. Henry)是美國知名的短篇小說作家,與契訶夫和莫泊桑並列世界三大短篇小說巨匠。 歐
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
The best short stories of O.Henry(電子書)
  • 電子書
作者:O.Henry  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2012/02/23 裝訂:電子書
I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don't know just where it is. 我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。─O Henry. 歐.亨利(O. Henry)是美國知名的短篇小說作家,與契訶夫和莫泊桑並列世界三大短篇小說巨匠。 歐.亨利著作豐富,一生中留下了一部長篇小說和近三百篇的短篇小說。其小說內容主要以美國的大城市生活(尤其是紐約)為背景,主人翁以中下階層的平凡老百姓為主,寫作特色則以出人意料的結局最為讀者所熟悉。 歐.亨利的小說架構設計精巧,故事行進中多有幽默的橋段,最後再以讀者想像不到的結尾收場。歐.亨利很擅長設計這種出其不意的結局,這成為了他小說中最大的特色,這種結局的寫作方法也因此被稱為「歐.亨利式結尾」(O. Henry Ending)。 歐.亨利的原名為William Sidney Poter,1862年生於美國北卡羅萊納州。1902年,他移居紐約,成為職業小說家。他勤於筆耕,寫作速度很快,作品也普受歡迎,因而名利雙收。然而,他步上父親的後塵,染上酗酒的惡習,最終落魄謝世。 本書一共輯錄了歐.亨利深具代表性的15篇短篇小說,包括: 1. The Last Leaf(最後一片藤葉) 2. The Gift of the Magi(聖誕禮物) 3. The Cop and the Anthem(警察與讚美詩) 4. The Romance of a Busy Broker(忙碌證券商的愛情故事) 5. The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein(愛情迷幻藥) 6. Springtime à la Carte(春日菜單) 7. The Ransom of Red Chief(紅酋長的贖金) 8. The Pendulum(鐘擺) 9. The Green Door(綠門) 10. The Furnished Room(附家具出租的房間) 11. The Count and the Wedding Guest(伯爵與婚禮賓客) 12. One Thousand Dollars(一千元) 13. The Duplicity of Hargraves(哈
定價:200 元, 優惠價:7 140
歐亨利短篇小說選The Best Short Stories of O. Henry(電子書)
  • 電子書
作者:歐‧亨利〈O‧Henry〉  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2014/05/26 裝訂:電子書
I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don't know just where it is. 我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。─O Henry. Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving! 愛情、事業、家庭、信仰、藝術或是愛國情操,在飢餓的面前,不過是文字浮影罷了。 歐.亨利(O. Henry)是美國知名的短篇小說作家,與契訶夫和莫泊桑並列世界三大短篇小說巨匠。歐.亨利著作豐富,一生中留下了一部長篇小說和近三百篇的短篇小說。其小說內容主要以美國的大城市生活(尤其是紐約)為背景,主人翁以中下階層的平凡老百姓為主,場景涵蓋公寓、酒館、劇院、公園等,常自詡為「四百萬」個小市民之一,而非「四百」個富翁之一,寫出金錢社會裡的小市民心聲。 歐亨利的寫作手法誇張、幽默、詭異,他善於捕捉細微的生活場景,描述人物的喜怒哀樂。其筆下的商人、強盜、警察、流浪漢,無不栩栩如生、愛恨分明。他以幽默的筆法化解筆下人物的悲情,用「含淚微笑」的方式嘲諷當時的資本主義社會,更加深其作品的社會意義。 歐亨利小說的最大特色,在於其「出人意表的結局」,即所謂的「歐亨利手法」。其小說之起承轉合,層次分明,情節則一路巧妙安排,極富戲劇性,往往發展到最後,便筆鋒一轉,令人啼笑皆非。這種寫作手法同時影響美國文壇甚巨。 本書自歐亨利的三百多篇短篇佳作之中,精選最膾炙人口的15篇,包含〈聖誕禮物〉、〈最後一片藤葉〉、〈警察與讚美詩〉及〈命運之路〉等,帶您一窺其獨樹一格、幽默深刻的小說世界。 1. The Last Leaf(最後一片藤葉) 2. The Gift of the Magi(聖誕禮物) 3. The Cop and the Anthem(警察與讚美詩) 4. The Romance of a Busy Broker(忙碌證券商的愛情故事) 5. The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein(愛情迷幻藥) 6. Sprin
定價:280 元, 優惠價:7 196
作者:O. Henry  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2018/01/08 裝訂:平裝
I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don't know just where it is.我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。 ─O Henry. Love and business and family and religion and art a
定價:250 元, 優惠價:9 225
作者:Terry Towers  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2014/12/10 裝訂:平裝
ElijahI kill people for a living, but I'm really not a bad guy. At least I don't think so. I'm just taking out the trash; the fact I get paid to do it is a happy coincidence. Normally I'm a pretty une
定價:782 元, 優惠價:1 782
作者:Victor Allen  出版社:PAGETURNER PR & MEDIA  出版日:2021/05/12 裝訂:平裝
This book will help a person with a plan, yet funding caused everything to come to a complete stop. It will also help someone bridge the distance between ambition and destiny. I sometimes look at it as my bridge to fulfill my purpose in life. I feel that knowledge is power. So many people don't understand financial institutions. I feel I need to share the information with people to help someone.I found myself in this position after I graduated from college. I had a degree but no job. I had goals and ambition to get to that point in life. I just didn't understand how to get my plan funded past this point. I had 65,000 dollars in debt from loans in college, so my social security number was just a little over-leveraged. I had no idea what an EIN number was at the time.I realized I had an IT degree, but I needed a business financial mentor. This book explains what I learned over the next few years to drive my net worth over a million dollars.I have streamlined the process for people now: A



