「愛」不是與生俱來,而是在每一次傾聽、擁抱與目光交會中加深牽絆,踏出一條不會回頭、最割捨不下的追愛旅程。如何愛得純粹、愛得簡單?從小失去親情關愛的孤女,遇上生命中最不堪面對的難題,她選擇跨過破碎廢墟,勇敢追愛!「吾輩走在夏綠蒂以其天才、熱情與激昂所鋪陳的文學大道上。」──英國作家吳爾芙 Virginia Woolf●《時代》雜誌精選世界十大經典作品●BBC百大經典小說第十名●維多利亞時期哥德式小說必讀作【關於《簡.愛》】自幼父母雙亡的簡.愛,縱有收養她的舅媽一家供應食宿,也掩蓋不了親戚們無止盡的身心苛待帶給她的陰影,年滿十歲便被輾轉送進羅沃德公益學院就讀。簡.愛在學校裡熬過種種試煉,成為一名出色的老師,隨後來到桑費爾德莊園擔任家庭教師。在偌大的莊園裡,她邂逅了生命裡的摯愛、體會了幸福的真諦,卻在即將披上白紗步入禮堂前失去一切。再度落入孑然一身的處境,孤女簡.愛又該如何面對往後的人生呢?《簡愛》融合驚悚詭譎的氛圍、曲折多變的情節鋪排,輔以人物強烈的情緒張力,可視為維多利亞時期哥德式小說的經典作品。更藉由在各種英式古宅內的場景轉換,呈現簡.愛在經歷諸多人生變故後的蛻變,以無比勇氣與對真愛的忠實信仰,迎向恆久幸福最終的微笑與懷抱。【佳句節選】●人本來就無法完美無缺,皎潔的明月也有陰影出現的時候;但總有人只看到微不足道的陰影,卻忽略了整個星球所發出的耀眼光芒。●我記起了真實世界是廣大的,是希望和恐懼參半,是感覺和激動交集,等待有勇氣進入它浩瀚領域的人去冒險、去探索真知識。●假如我忘了自己的身分,忘了自己受過的教育,無論有任何藉口、理由、誘惑,只要我成為這些可憐女孩的繼任者,總有一天,他會用同樣輕蔑的態度看待我。●我這時頓悟到,自己坐在一個凡人的腳邊,他和我一樣都會犯錯。我和一個與我同等、可以與之爭辯論理的人在一起,只要我認為適當,自然可以反抗他。●我知道下一次會是由一雙陌生的手寫信給我,說這個良善又忠心的神的僕人終於蒙上主召喚。但在他的臨終時刻,他的希望是確定的,他的信念堅定不移,我又何必為此哭泣呢?
An orphan girl's progress from the custody of cruel relatives to an oppressive boarding school culminates in a troubled career as a governess. Jane's first assignment at Thornfield, where the proud a
Part of Alma Classics Evergreen series at GBP4.99, this edition pictures and section on Bronte's life and works. With characters that are as unforgettable as the story they enact, and a striking use o
The orphaned Jane Eyre suffers under cruel guardians, a harsh employer and a rigid social order. But her plain appearance belies her indomitable spirit, sharp wit and great courage. When she goes to T
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.'I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.'Bronte's infamous Gothic novel te
Give a kid a classic! Cozy Classics is the popular board book series that presents well-loved stories to children aged 0+ through twelve child-friendly words and twelve needle-felted illustrations. Ja
十九世紀的英國文壇出現了「勃朗特三姊妹」(Brontë family; The Brontës),在三姊妹中年紀最長的是夏綠蒂.勃朗特,她在世界文學上的代表作品是《簡愛》。《簡愛》的時空背景設定在英國維多利亞時代的約克郡谷地,在那個時代,這本小說並非常規小說,不過一出版就受到讀者的喜愛,至今不墜。《簡愛》是一本講述成長、勇氣和愛的小說,內容描述一位叫做「簡.愛」的孤兒的成長過程。簡.愛從一個個性激
Introduction and Notes by Dr Sally Minogue, Canterbury Christ Church University College. Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction. Although the poor
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.''I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.''Bronte''s infamous Gothic novel tells the story of orphan Jane, a child of unfortunate circumstances. Raised and treated badly by her aunt and cousins and eventually sent away to a cruel boarding school, it is not until Jane becomes a governess at Thornfield that she finds happiness. Meek, measured, but determined, Jane soon falls in love with her brooding and stormy master, Mr Rochester, but it is not long before strange and unnerving events occur in the house and Jane is forced to leave Thornfield to pursue her future.
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre is one of the best-loved heroines in English literature: the poor orphan whose determination and spirit bring her to happiness, heartbreak and happiness again. This illust
Move over, Charlotte Brontë. The authors of My Lady Jane are back with a fantastic, romantic, hilarious reimagining of Jane Eyre. This clever, New York Times bestselling tale of mischief, mayhem, and