印度占星術(Jyotish astrology)又稱之為「吠陀占星術」(Vedic Astrology)或是「古印度占星術」(Ancient Hindu Astrology),它是發源於印度宗教聖典《吠陀經》的天文占星學知識,因而又稱為《吠陀占星學》,而本占星學對於「計都」(Ketu)與「羅喉」(Rahu)這兩顆凶星的探討較西洋占星術更多;所以也是一門不同於今日廣泛流傳的西洋占星術體系的另一門占星
A complete introduction to Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, with sample charts and clear explanations. Mason provides all the information needed to be able to understand this system of astrology. He also
Vedic, or Jyotish astrology, has its roots in Indian and Hindu culture, making it markedly different from its Western counterparts. The author of this book explains how it can be used, and how it shou
Palmistry is an integral part of Jyotish practice (astrology) that helps to determine an individual's physical, mental and karmic potential. A full explanation of how to read a palm from the point of