我在你的話語中讀出它從你手勢的歷史習得它你溫暖而明智的雙手合攏塑造並界劃出輪廓漸成的形狀──里爾克《時禱書》1840年11月12日,羅丹生於法國巴黎,父親是警官,母親是裁縫。近視的他在校表現不佳,被父親送往培養建築裝飾工匠的「小美院」,可望在奧斯曼大改造下的巴黎成為一位商業雕刻師。然而,在小美院中展露天分的羅丹始終考不進培養「真正的藝術家」的「大美院」。憤恨之餘,他一邊當石膏匠賺錢,一邊自修,找尋自己認同的藝術使命。他設法以微薄的收入持續創作雕塑。不過長達十年的歲月裡,主流的巴黎沙龍從未接受他的作品,直到《青銅時代》問世。在羅丹即將嶄露頭角之際,1875年12月4日,小他三十五歲的里爾克出生於奧匈帝國治下的布拉格,母親出身富裕家庭,父親是平凡的火車站長。父母將他送進軍校,期望他出人頭地,然而氣質陰柔的他在軍校中屢受欺凌,只有文學和寫詩是他心靈的寄託,也成為他唯一的志願。可是里爾克一直不知道該如何成為一個藝術家。他認為男孩必須先成為男人,才能成為藝術家,他一直渴望轉變,但不知該如何做。他來到沃普斯韋德村,一個拒斥學院傳統的藝術家聚落,在那裡遇見羅丹的學生、雕塑家克拉拉.維絲陀芙(Clara Westhoff),兩人相戀結婚。但是才剛成為父親,他便想要逃離。他的逃離帶他來到羅丹身旁,來到剛踏入新世紀的巴黎,時為1902年8月。「我來找你,不只是為了寫一篇專題研究,而是為了要問你:我該如何生活?」這次短暫的貼身採訪中,擺盪不安的里爾克為羅丹工作室中俯拾皆是的生命力與他觀察自然的方法所震撼,他相信羅丹也擁有改變他生命的力量。當年逾六旬的雕塑家告訴年輕詩人他的座右銘:「你必須工作,不斷地工作。」(Travailler, toujourstravailler)他彷彿找到了生命的方向,從此奉為信條。三年後,里爾克成為羅丹的祕書,備感榮幸的他住進雕塑家在巴黎市郊的家,與之朝夕相處。他亦步亦趨地跟隨著羅丹,在他的目光中找到自己的定位。其間,他在龐大的工作壓力下完成了著名的《時禱書》(The Book of Hours),逐漸受到文壇重視。然而才過了九個月,頑固的羅丹在一次盛怒中當場開除里爾克。三十一歲的詩人彷彿被精神上的父親趕出家門,展開在歐洲各地漂流的浪子之旅。在決裂的苦悶、情感生活的疏離與摰友離世的打擊中,里爾克依然堅持羅丹所言:「工作,不斷的工作。」他試圖透過「共感」(empa
Little Echo lives alone in a cave until, one day, a chance encounter encourages her to be brave and make a new friend. A gentle story about finding your own voice. Have you ever heard an Echo?They live in lakes and tunnels and caves.But have you ever seen an Echo? Little Echo lives alone in a cave. Shy, she hides away, echoing the noises around her. But Little Echo isn't just shy -- she's lonely. And when Max comes to the cave one day, in search of treasure, Little Echo starts to discover that maybe she has a voice of her own . . .
Auguste Rodin, the most famous and influential sculptor of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, is also widely considered to be the successor to Michelangelo, whose genius was a lifelong
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Rodin, the first authoritative monograph from the Musée Rodin, is written by the museum's leading experts, with a foreword from its director. All facets of the artist's life and art are exp
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In an intimate talk with his protege, the great sculptor offers candid, wide-ranging comments on a diverse range of topics: the meaning of art; other famed artists; the relationship of sculpture to po
This collection by leading scholars represents state of the art writings on the ethics of war. Many of the most important and contested controversies in modern war receive comprehensive discussion:
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is the only sculptor who is of equal rank to the French painters of the 'Great Generation' from Manet to Cezanne. But while he has been considered an early modernist among sc
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was arguably the world's greatest sculptor, known for such works as "The Thinker, The Kiss, The Hand of God" and dozens of others. Beautifully written and illustrated, "Rodin
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