《逆思維》作者亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant)盛讚好評:「未來的你,將感謝今天的你讀了這本書。」《心態致勝》作者卡蘿.杜維克(Carol Dweck)誠摯推薦:「你對於未來的思考,將會改變你現在的行為。」★Next Big Idea Club 2023年生產力好書★Behavioral Scientist 2023年好書推薦Q. 為什麼我們不管自己的膽固醇有多高,晚餐還是決定只吃肉、不吃蔬菜?Q. 為什麼我們寧可花大錢滿足欲望,卻不為未來打算、認真儲蓄?Q. 為什麼我們讀了很多書,卻還是很難做出改變?如果有一天能穿越時空,看見自己20年後的樣子,猜猜你會看見什麼?為了成為更好的自己,現在你最想做的事又是什麼?在日復一日的生活中,我們總是面臨著儲蓄與消費、運動與耍廢之間種種兩難的抉擇。正由於現在的我無法做出正確的判斷與選擇,因而往往事與願違,無法讓改變真正發生,讓理想的未來成真。行為科學家哈爾.赫許菲德教授長期致力於一項開創性研究:「未來的自己」(Future Self),他發現你對於未來的看法,會對當下及未來的你產生巨大影響。他還發現,人們在思考未來時經常會犯下幾種錯誤,例如:把未來的自己當作陌生人看待,認為事不關己,寧可選擇立即滿足欲望;以為自我是單一、恆定的,忽略只要今天做出更好的決定,就能創造更幸福的明天等等。本書為讀者精心規畫一趟心靈時空之旅,運用許多精彩實例與故事,探索「未來的自己」在生命中的意義,以及對於情緒與決策的影響,提出具體的解決方案與堅持之道,主動擘畫長期的健康管理、財務規畫和行為決策,活得更健康、更富足、更快樂!
A follow-up to The Patron Saint of Lost Dogs finds veterinarian Cyrus Mills struggling to maintain his late father's independent practice in the face of a national chain rival, an effort that is compl
From the author of the mega-bestseller Be Kind comes a picture book for anyone who's ever loved someone far away.Someday soon, I'll see you.Even though you are there.And I am here.So very far apart.In
二戰正式打響,英國男孩Solly被送往英國鄉間躲避倫敦大轟炸,在華沙的表親Bernie則因猶太身分日益危險,冒險前往蘇軍占領區,卻一度進了勞改營。兩名少年在信件裡傾訴彼此的經歷,互相鼓舞,兩人的書信往返,在動盪時代下見證殘酷與希望。Beginning in 1939, young Solly in London exchanges letters with his teenaged cousin, Bernie, in Poland. While Solly is evacuated and tries his best to adjust to life in the English countryside, Bernie's parents know that as Jews they're not safe staying in Warsaw, so they send Bernie to the Russian-occupied side of the country in the hope that he'll be safer there.Soon, though, he is arrested and sent off to a forced labour camp in Russia.As the cousins exchange sporadic letters, they try to keep their spirits up, trading jokes and observations about the world changing all around them.Then Bernie seizes the opportunity to join the "Anders Army" and fight the Axis powers, and tells Solly all about his experiences in Iran and eventually Italy, where he fights alongside the British at the famous Battle of Monte Cassino.Does Bernie survive and find a safe place to call home?
A humorous new book from the acclaimed author-illustrator Shinsuke Yoshitake. Everyone has something that makes them feel self-conscious. It might be the smell of your breath, the size of your nose, or the way your shirt sleeves bunch up under your jumper.At the centre of this story is a little boy who has a small but embarrassing problem: every time he pees, a few drops dribble on to his underpants. Curious, he asks other children if they have the same issue. He soon discovers a simple life lesson: everyone is battling some kind of irritation.