The twentieth century was defined by physics. From the minds of the world's leading physicists there flowed a river of ideas that would transport mankind to the pinnacle of wonderment and to the very
人類的故事【新裝珍藏版】 The Story of Mankind最具代表性的人類歷史書房龍最偉大的著作,一度被美國中學選為歷史教科書,曾獲得美國最著名的兒童文學獎「紐伯瑞獎」,在全世界有近百個版本、多種語言,至今暢銷不衰。 房龍風靡全球的暢銷之作房龍的歷史書寫,一直都以其親切、輕鬆、流暢的筆觸,和既通俗而又深湛的文化素養,而為全世界各階層的讀者愛不釋手。這本《人類的故事》,更是他的所
It takes more than 10 billion years to create just the right conditions on one planet for life to begin. It takes another three billion years of evolving life forms until it finally happens, a primate
The Story of Mankind was written and illustrated by Dutch-American journalist, professor, and author Hendrik Willem van Loon and published in 1921. In 1922, it was the first book to be awarded the New
The Story of Mankind offers a marvelous tour of history. Beginning with ancient myths, it takes us through the aftermath of World War I. In its pages we meet scoundrels and ruffians and poets; we enga