With an Introduction by Angus Calder. As Angus Calder states in his introduction to this edition, 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom is one of the major statements about the fighting experience of the First Wor
The Old Testament's wisdom literature offers one of the most intriguing collections of biblical books (Proverbs, Job, the Psalms about Torah and wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Qoheleth, Ben Sira, and the Wisdo
Israelite wisdom, literature, David Penchansky argues, records the disputes of ancient sages over basic human questions: What is the purpose of life? Is God just? Why do we suffer? Does God even exist
How do people know God and the world? A meaty question, but one which O'Dowd poses in this expansion of his doctoral thesis, translated from the original German. The book uses Deuteronomy as a basis f
Kampen (biblical interpretation, Methodist Theological School, Ohio) summarizes a good deal of the major research on individual texts and their contributions to the changing picture of the lives and b
Aimed at undergraduates on level two or three courses relating to Old Testament Wisdom literature. This book begins with a consideration of what the term 'wisdom literature' means in Hebrew usage, and
Here in Robert Alter's bold new translation are some of the most magnificent works in world literature. The astounding poetry in the Book of Job is restored to its powerful ancient meanings and rhythm
Discussion of the nature of Sumerian wisdom literature and complete editions of many Sumerian wisdom texts, including the Instructions of Shuruppak, Instructions of Ur-Ninurta, Counsels of Wisdom, Sum
The Wisdom to Doubt is a major contribution to the contemporary literature on the epistemology of religious belief. Continuing the inquiry begun in his previous book, Prolegomena to a Philosophy of Re
In this volume, Richard J. Clifford seeks to make the biblical wisdom literature intelligible to modern readers. It is easy to quote the occasional proverb, say a few things about "the problem of evil
This volume presents the spiritualities, implicit or explicit, of the wisdom books of the Old Testament. An additional goal is to explore the vast and frequently overlooked resource that wisdom litera
Mahfouz (1911-2006) was the first Egyptian/Arab to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature (1988). For the centenary of the novelist's birth, the editor of Mahfouz's Life's Wisdom from the Works of
This unusual book examines definitions of the fable, apologue, parable, moral tale, etc. It then proposes the use of the term exemplum, used by medieval scribes, to define all types of wisdom narrativ