Life is hard and dangerous for both people and animals in the frozen Canadian North. For a wolf like White Fang it is a continuous fight to find food - a fight in which many animals die.When White Fan
Dominoes are perfect for reading practice and language skills development in class or during individual study. "There's some bad weather out there," Captain MacWhirr said to himself just before he sai
'He's great, Vera,' said Angie. When Viktor Sarav takes a job at Ballantine's, Angie and her brother Don - the young owners of the New York fashion company - are pleased. But Angie and Don's parents d
'We'll be friends, you and I. I'll call you Joey,' Albert said. 'I'll look after you. We'll always be friends, I promise.' Albert Narracott, a farmer's boy, makes this promise to his horse, Joey, in D
● 「尤素夫,你確定你想成為一名軍人嗎?」叔叔問道。尤素夫回答:「沒錯,叔叔,我會敬忠職守的!」● 尤素夫到阿勒坡向謝爾庫赫將軍學習武術時,沒人知道他以後會這麼有成就。● 數年後,尤素夫成了一名偉大且行俠仗義的將軍,他號召所有伊斯蘭親王前來圍攻耶路撒冷,成功從法蘭克人手裡搶回並收復聖城耶路撒冷,他就是赫赫有名的薩拉丁,而這是他的故事……●'Well, Yusuf, are you sure tha
'All for one and one for all' is the motto of the Three Musketeers. Young d'Artagnan wants to fight for the King and his country, but other fights and adventures come first. Who are the Three Musketee
● 曾經「綠」只是一種顏色而已,現在「綠」變成了一種觀點,我們用「綠不綠」來檢視世界和整個大環境。那麼,我們的地球夠「綠」了嗎?● 從核電廠到小丑魚尼莫、從北極熊到殺蟲劑、從綠色和平到全球暖化……書中的故事將告訴我們環境怎麼發展變化成今天的樣貌。讀讀這些故事吧!或許你就也可以著手讓我們的地球更「綠」一點!●Once 'green' was just a colour. Now we use it
● 當一個可憐的年輕女生失去她男朋友或想找個男朋友時她會怎麼做?為了成為情人的眼裡最閃耀的鑽石,我們會說些什麼無傷大雅的小謊?而一個朋友要怎麼深信他能挽回一條垂死的生命?當智多星天衣無縫的計畫出了差錯該怎麼辦?不管一個人的日子過得好不好,生活中總有這些令人又驚又喜的小故事。這些故事有時帶來悲傷,有時帶來歡笑,但每篇都發人深省。●What does a poor young woman do whe