Since ancient times, technological advances have increased man's chances for survival. From the practicality of a Roman aqueduct to the art of the written word, man has always adapted his environment
Evans (Near East and religious studies, U. of British Columbia, Vancouver) provides an introduction to Justinian's reign and time through descriptive chapters, biographical sketches, and annotated pri
White (classics, U. of Arizona) describes the emergence of Christianity in antiquity, for secondary school and lower-level undergraduate readers. She presents the evolution from her perspective as a c
With the advent of Magna Carta, royal power fell under written secular law and individual liberties were codified. Representative government, common law, and key trial rights such as habeas corpus gre
Ambitious, intelligent, and desired by men and emperors, Cleopatra VII came to power at a time when Roman and Egyptian interests increasingly tended to concern the same object: the Egyptian Empire its
A specialist in Islamic history, Lane (history, U. of London) spent 20 years working and traveling in the Middle East and Far East. In this text, he identifies the rise to power of Genghis Khan and hi
In the 6th century B.C.E., a young prince named Siddhartha Gotama renounced his opulent lifestyle and set out on a quest to alleviate human suffering. When he realized his goal--a path to enlightenmen
An ideal introduction and guide to the greatest natural disaster to ever curse humanity, replete with illustrations, biographical sketches, and primary documents.
Designed for secondary school and college student research, this work is a readable history and ready-reference guide to the Holocaust based on the most recent scholarship. It provides the reader with
Progressing at a dizzying, frenetic pace, the 1960s were synonymous with rebellion and conflict. No other decade in the 20th century was so tumultuous. This gripping and engagingly written guide to t
This essential guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal provides a wealth of information, analysis, biographical profiles, primary documents and current resources that will help students to und
This introductory level text begins with a thorough overview of events, including a chronology, the origins of the conflict, major military events, and their political and diplomatic consequences. The
Out of the ashes of its defeat in World War II, Japan arose to become the foremost economic power in East Asia and a major player on the world economic stage. How did it do this? This work provides a
The complex history and politics of South Africa form the backdrop of this insightful study of the factors that contributed to both the end of apartheid and the movement from government by racial divi
Ideal for student research, this book provides a reference guide to the war as well as seven essays analyzing a variety of aspects of the war and its consequences. The essays address questions such as