It is hard to find someone who doesn't have a pet peeve about language. The act of bemoaning the decline of language has become something of a cottage industry. High profile, self-appointed language p
Shopping Cart Pantheism offers a preposterous and yet challenging invitation to participate in commodity adoration. Glorifying consumerism as the de facto religion of our time, the brainy, off-kilter
Drawing on interviews with 51 anti-authoritarian organizers to investigates what it means to struggle for "the commons" within a settler colonial context, Unsettling the Commons interrogates a very im
Much public debate ensued after the violence and police brutality that gripped Toronto in June 2010 during the G8/G20 Summit. It is now being revealed how the Conservative government's stimulus packag
1919 is often recalled as the year of the Winnipeg General Strike, but it was also the year that water from Shoal Lake first flowed in Winnipeg taps. For the Anishinaabe community of Shoal Lake 40 Fir
A beautiful book full of hard numbers. Located at the intersection of the statistical and the artistic, this catalog of corporate horrors--poverty, exploitation, and injustice--is a damning indictment