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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:劉毓敏  出版社:國防工業出版社  出版日:2008/06/01 裝訂:平裝
本書是專門針對教育技術、廣播電視、傳播學等專業,為培養學生電視製作技術能力而編寫的教材。全書分《電視原理基礎》、《電視製作技術原理》和《電視系統應用實踐》3篇進行編寫:上篇屬￿技術基礎知識教學模塊,其主要任務是讓學生獲得關於電視製作技術的全面、系統的認識;中篇則圍繞實用的電視製作系統,分別對攝、錄、編、圖文特技、音響、照明等主要設備系統的基本結構、基本功能和主要設備形式等進行了全面系統的簡介。下篇屬￿操作性技術知識教學和技能實踐訓練教學模塊,一方面,結合作者們多年的教學實踐經驗和教學條件,對學生應掌握的電視製作系統的應用能力進行了教學設計,從接口入手對各類電視製作系統設備接入、操作使用中"應知"、"應會"的操作性技術知識和技能,分若干實踐項目對學生進行教學訓練。 本書作為教材,在注重知識的基礎性、系統性和連貫性的同時,還力求反映廣播電視技術領域的最新發展。因此,除了可作為上述專業的教材外,還適合作為廣大電視製作從業人員的繼續教育的培訓教材或參考讀物,也可作為相關專業研究人員和廣大影視愛好者的參考讀物。
定價:192 元, 優惠價:87 167
Trail of Dead
作者:Melissa F. Olson  出版社:Amazon Pub  出版日:2013/06/04 裝訂:平裝
As a null, Scarlett Bernard possesses a rare ability to counteract the supernatural by instantly neutralizing spells and magical forces. For years she has used her gift to scrub crime scenes of any ma
定價:673 元, 優惠價:1 673
作者:Johannes A. Van Der Ven (EDT); Hans-Georg Ziebertz (EDT)  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2013/05/01 裝訂:精裝
This volume is about the positive, ambivalent, null and negative effects in various historical periods by various religious denominations within Christianity, Islam and Hinduism on the attitudes towar
作者:郭羽; 劉波  出版社:華品文創  出版日:2020/01/20 裝訂:平裝
作者最新創作 × 影視全線啟動《黑客訣》電視劇版權與浙江佳平影業合作(《雞毛飛上天》、《在路上》等大熱劇出品方),電影版權由珠影集團主控,目前正落實英皇電影、北京文化、騰訊影業聯合制作。原創作品 當代都市 現實題材 精湛類型長篇小說網絡安全 黑客對戰 警匪交鋒 跨國掃毒 浴血反恐使命召喚 Null 與 夜神 雙劍合璧對戰 毒王 旗下洶洶來犯的國際黑客軍團…小說生動刻畫了中國網絡安全公司在這場看不見
定價:500 元, 優惠價:9 450
作者:Claudia Alfons  出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc  出版日:2010/06/30 裝訂:精裝
When state A, in which an arbitral award was rendered, decides to annul the award in accordance with its national laws, it does not necessarily mean the award is effectively null and void. Rather, the
作者:Michael Zimmermann  出版社:De Gruyter  出版日:2014/08/31 裝訂:精裝
This book is an empirical study on the expression of subject pronouns in Medieval French, usually analyzed as a null subject language. In light of the frequent expression of expletives, i.e. subject p
作者:Patrick Grosz (EDT); Pritty Patel-grosz (EDT)  出版社:Mouton De Gruyter  出版日:2016/04/11 裝訂:精裝
The interplay between the interpretation of pronouns (e.g. bound/referential) and their form (e.g. null/overt) is still ill-understood. This volume has a cross-linguistic orientation with in-depth inv
作者:John Frederick Bailyn  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/10/31 裝訂:精裝
The study of Russian is of great importance to syntactic theory, due in particular to its unusual case system and its complex word order patterns. This book provides an essential guide to Russian syntax and examines the major syntactic structures of the language. It begins with an overview of verbal and nominal constituents, followed by major clause types, including null-copular and impersonal sentences, WH-questions and their distribution, and relative and subordinate clauses. The syntax behind the rich Russian morphological case system is then described in detail, with focus on both the fairly standard instances of Nominative, Accusative and Dative case as well as the important language-specific uses of the Genitive and Instrumental cases. The book goes on to analyze the syntax of 'free' word order for which Russian is famous. It will be of interest to researchers and students of syntactic theory, of Slavic linguistics and of language typology.
作者:Togo Nishiura  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/08 裝訂:精裝
Absolute measurable space and absolute null space are very old topological notions, developed from well-known facts of descriptive set theory, topology, Borel measure theory and analysis. This monograph systematically develops and returns to the topological and geometrical origins of these notions. Motivating the development of the exposition are the action of the group of homeomorphisms of a space on Borel measures, the Oxtoby-Ulam theorem on Lebesgue-like measures on the unit cube, and the extensions of this theorem to many other topological spaces. Existence of uncountable absolute null space, extension of the Purves theorem and recent advances on homeomorphic Borel probability measures on the Cantor space, are among the many topics discussed. A brief discussion of set-theoretic results on absolute null space is given, and a four-part appendix aids the reader with topological dimension theory, Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff dimension, and geometric measure theory.
作者:Eric Poisson  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/05/06 裝訂:精裝
This 2004 textbook fills a gap in the literature on general relativity by providing the advanced student with practical tools for the computation of many physically interesting quantities. The context is provided by the mathematical theory of black holes, one of the most elegant, successful, and relevant applications of general relativity. Among the topics discussed are congruencies of timelike and null geodesics, the embedding of spacelike, timelike and null hypersurfaces in spacetime, and the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of general relativity. Although the book is self-contained, it is not meant to serve as an introduction to general relativity. Instead, it is meant to help the reader acquire advanced skills and become a competent researcher in relativity and gravitational physics. The primary readership consists of graduate students in gravitational physics. It will also be a useful reference for more seasoned researchers working in this field.
作者:Theresa Biberauer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/01/18 裝訂:精裝
Parametric variation in linguistic theory refers to the systematic grammatical variation permitted by the human language faculty. Although still widely assumed, the parametric theory of variation has in recent years been subject to re-evaluation and critique. The Null Subject Parameter, which determines among other things whether or not a language allows the suppression of subject pronouns, is one of the best-known and most widely discussed examples of a parameter. Nevertheless its status in current syntactic theory is highly controversial. This book is a defence of the parametric approach to linguistic variation, set within the framework of the Minimalist Program. It discusses syntactic variation in the light of recent developments in linguistic theory, focusing on issues such as the formal nature of minimalist parameters, the typology of null-subject language systems and the way in which parametric choices can be seen to underlie the synchronic and diachronic patterns observed in nat
Approaches to Numerical Relativity
作者:Ray d'Inverno  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/07/07 裝訂:平裝
This volume includes contributions by leading workers in the field given at the workshop on Numerical Relativity held in Southampton in December 1991. Numerical Relativity, or the numerical solution of astrophysical problems using powerful computers to solve Einstein's equations, has grown rapidly over the last 15 years. It is now an important route to understanding the structure of the Universe, and is the only route currently available for approaching certain important astrophysical scenarios. The Southampton meeting was notable for the first full report of the new 2+2 approach and the related null or characteristic approaches, as well as for updates on the established 3+1 approach, including both Newtonian and fully relativistic codes. The contributions range from theoretical (formalisms, existence theorems) to the computational (moving grids, multiquadrics and spectral methods).
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
Geometric Analysis of Hyperbolic Differential Equations: An Introduction
作者:S. Alinhac  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/06/28 裝訂:平裝
Its self-contained presentation and 'do-it-yourself' approach make this the perfect guide for graduate students and researchers wishing to access recent literature in the field of nonlinear wave equations and general relativity. It introduces all of the key tools and concepts from Lorentzian geometry (metrics, null frames, deformation tensors, etc.) and provides complete elementary proofs. The author also discusses applications to topics in nonlinear equations, including null conditions and stability of Minkowski space. No previous knowledge of geometry or relativity is required.
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
翻倍效率工作術:不會就太可惜的Excel+Power BI大數據視覺圖表設計與分析(電子書)
  • 電子書
作者:文淵閣工作室  出版社:碁峯資訊股份有限公司  出版日:2020/02/10 裝訂:電子書
【Excel+PowerBI最佳暢銷經典】 用1張圖,說1000字!大數據商業數字解讀不再是難事! ‧行銷企劃、市場需求、業務開發、解析銷售、洞察機會、統計預測、剖析財務、銷售分析、解讀趨勢、佈局未來! ‧不會巨集、函數,不會寫程式怎麼辦?用PowerBI建立動態報表,讓老闆與客戶刮目相看! ‧高效率多元化的互動式視覺圖表竟然這麼簡單,現成的視覺效果套用就很專業! ‧搭配Facebook貼文按讚數、OneDrive與Google雲端平台線上試算表,呈現即時數據! ■數據分析力決定職場競爭力 掌握財務、行銷、人力資源、銷售、IT、生產…等環節所需的大數據資訊,隨時分析、解讀趨勢,輕鬆上手互動式資料視覺效果工具,讓商務分析變得很簡單。 ■零失誤的資料整理術–有正確的資料才能產生正確的結論,用Excel+PowerQuery編輯器提升數據正確性。 ‧資料不聽話?移除多餘空白,統一全型半型、字母大、小寫 ‧不手殘,整理缺失資料、空值(null)、錯誤(error)與重複輸入項目 ‧依字元數、依符號,拆分大量資料與數據 ‧新增條件式資料行,不需要使用函數為資料分群 ‧日期資料轉換為年份、季別、月份、星期幾 ‧想要加入更多資料記錄與資料表就要用附加查詢與合併查詢 ‧一次取得並合併資料夾中多個檔案的資料 ‧短短幾秒鐘,完成令人傷腦筋的資料表結構轉換 ■高效率的圖像化互動式報表–以商務主題進行跨資料表分析,輕鬆解讀大數據。 ‧很愛長條圖?你應該要為不同的資料挑選最適合的圖表呈現。 ‧預設效果一定不會好看,調整標題和屬性,才能突顯資料的重要性。 ‧不會配色!各種主題的專業佈景色彩馬上套用 ‧為資料標籤數值資料加上$%,符號 ‧動手指定文字資料的排序,不再只能呆呆依筆劃排序。 ‧除了預設33個視覺效果,告訴你如何取得更多線上視覺效果! ‧資料太多?加個交叉分析篩選器就能讓關鍵資料快速呈現 ‧鑽研報表中的數據資訊,並以關聯性及DAX計算資料行建立資料與視覺效果的進階應用。 ‧以""顧客消費統計分析""、""零售業銷售與業績統計分析""二個主題應用讓你輕鬆入門。 ‧掌握Facebook數據資料,了解歷年貼文按讚數及熱門按讚時間。 ‧完美搭配OneDrive、Google雲端平台上的試算表數據資料,線上連結即時更新。 ‧聰明使用書籤,設計頁面超連結!簡報中嵌入PowerBI動態
定價:360 元, 優惠價:1 360
作者:George Walkden  出版社:OUP Academic UK  出版日:2014/10/14 裝訂:精裝
This book offers reconstructions of various syntactic properties of Proto-Germanic, including verb position in main clauses, the syntax of the wh-system, and the (non-)occurrence of null pronominal su
作者:Phillip Cary  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2009/11/26 裝訂:精裝
Cary traces the development of Augustine's epochal doctrine of grace, arguing that it does not represent a rejection of Platonism in favor of a more purely Christian point of view null a turning from
P.S. I Loathe You
作者:Lisi Harrison  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2009/02/10 裝訂:平裝
Massie Block: When the Pretty Committee deems its boy-fast null and void, boy fever sweeps through BOCD. What better way to backhandspring into new crush Dempsey's heart-and make old crush Derrington
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
The Union at Risk
作者:Richard E. Ellis  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr on Demand  出版日:1989/12/28 裝訂:平裝
The Nullification Crisis of 1832-33 is undeniably the most important major event of Andrew Jackson's two presidential terms. Attempting to declare null and void the high tariffs enacted by Congress in
定價:3154 元, 優惠價:9 2839
作者:Herbert Hoijtink (EDT); Irene Klugkist (EDT); Paul A. Boelen (EDT)  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2008/12/01 裝訂:精裝
This book presents an alternative to traditional "null hypothesis" testing. It builds on the idea that researchers have more informative research questions than the "nothing is going on" null hypothes
The Palace of Laughter
作者:Jon Berkeley; Brandon Dorman (ILT)  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2007/08/01 裝訂:平裝
Miles Wednesday, orphaned, unwashed and living in a barrel, has never been to a circus before—but then the Circus Oscuro is no ordinary circus. There's a strange beast called The Null and an array of
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
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