Learning. Striving. Picking yourself up when life knocks you down. These are experiences Joe Girard knows about better than anyone and the subjects Joe explores in this in-depth and uplifting self-hel
Two spies exchanging top-secret information…A sand-castle Terminator…A dog that’s been kidnapped…A manhole-cover salesman…And an annual Duck Derby that’s run afowl!The solutions to all the mysteries are in the back (just in case you don’t crack the case!) Read all the books about Encyclopedia Brown!
'Ray Carney was only slightly bent when it came to being crooked...'To his customers and neighbors on 125th street, Carney is an upstanding salesman of reasonably-priced furniture, making a life for h
Selected by the Library of Congress as one of the most significant American films ever made, Salesman (1966–9) is a landmark in non-fiction cinema, equivalent in its impact and influence to Truman Cap
"The benefit to my own company's fortunes, having worked with Anthony,has been a steadily expanding client roster, a leg up on my competition, and the ability to comfortably walk through any door know