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Catherine Esnouf (1)
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1)
Henry Linger (EDT)/ Jill Owen (EDT) (1)
James R. Millar (1)
John H. Goldthorpe (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Intl Specialized Book Service Inc (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Henry Linger (EDT); Jill Owen (EDT)  出版社:Intl Specialized Book Service Inc  出版日:2012/03/30 裝訂:平裝
Linger (information technology, Monash U., Australia) and Owen (business, U. of New South Wales, Canberra Campus, Australia) bring together 15 papers and the keynote address from the inaugural Asia Pa
定價:2997 元, 優惠價:1 2997
作者:Catherine Esnouf  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/06/30 裝訂:精裝
As western-style food systems extend further around the world, food sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue. Such systems are not sustainable in terms of their consumption of resources, their impact on ecosystems or their effect on health and social inequality. From 2009 to 2011, the duALIne project, led by INRA and CIRAD, assembled a team of experts to investigate food systems downstream of the farm, from the farm gate, to consumption and the disposal of waste. Representing a diverse range of backgrounds spanning academia and the public and private sectors, the project aimed to review the international literature and identify major gaps in our knowledge. This book brings together its key conclusions and insights, presenting state-of-the-art research in food sustainability and identifying priority areas for further study. It will provide a valuable resource for researchers, decision-makers and stakeholders in the food industry.
The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour
作者:John H. Goldthorpe  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1968/07/02 裝訂:平裝
The affluent workers studied in this book, originally published in 1968, were employees of three major industrial concerns sited in Luton at the time. The three firms were selected as being amongst Luton's best-paying employers and also on account of their advanced personnel and labour relations policies. This choice enabled comparisons to be made between workers engaged in very different types of production system. On the basis of material from interviews and other data, the authors examine in detail workers' experience of their industrial jobs, their relations with workmates, and the nature of their attachment both to the organizations which employ them and to their trade unions. This study forms part of a larger project which was aimed at testing empirically the thesis, which was most prevalent 1968, that of the progressive assimilation of manual workers and their families into the pattern of middle class social life.
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1462
Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR:A Survey of Former Soviet Citizens
作者:James R. Millar  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1987/10/30 裝訂:平裝
Politics, work, and daily life in the USSR is designed to illustrate how the Soviet social system really works and how the Soviet people cope with it. This study is based on the first comprehensive survey of life in the USSR since the Harvard Project over thiry-three years ago. The essays contained analyze the variations in attitude and behaviour reflected in the findings of the Soviet Interview Project, a five-year investigation of contemporary daily life in the USSR. The survey involved interviewing thousands of recent emigrants from the USSR to the United States as a means of learning about their former day-to-day lives. Some aspects of this survey dealt with areas the Soviets themselves had never investigated, so the data were not, and indeed still are not, available even in unpublished Soviet sources. This study of a large volume of firsthand observations is extremely valuable to anyone interested in the inner workings and behavioural dynamics of the contemporary Soviet social sys
定價:1819 元, 優惠價:9 1637
Democracy Against Capitalism: Renewing Historical Materialism
作者:Ellen Meiksins Wood  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1995/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Ellen Meiksins Wood argues that with the collapse of Communism the theoretical project of Marxism and its critique of capitalism is more timely and important than ever. Current intellectual fashions of the left which emphasise 'post-modern' fragmentation, 'difference', contingency and the 'politics of identity' can barely accommodate the idea of capitalism, let alone subject the capitalist system to critique. In this book she sets out to renew the critical programme of historical materialism by redefining its basic concepts and its theory of history in original and imaginative ways, using them to identify the specificity of capitalism as a system of social relations and political power. She goes on to explore the concept of democracy in both the ancient and modern world, examining the concept's relation to capitalism, and raising questions about how democracy might go beyond the limits imposed on it by capitalism.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345



