Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview Of Technology, The Marketplace, And Government Regulation, Second Edition

Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview Of Technology, The Marketplace, And Government Regulation, Second Edition


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Technological advances and changes in government policy and regulation have altered the electric power industry in recent years and will continue to impact it for quite some time. Fully updated with the latest changes to regulation, structure, and technology, this new edition of Understanding Electric Power Systems offers a real-world view of the industry, explaining how it operates, how it is structured, and how electricity is regulated and priced. It includes extensive references for the reader and will be especially useful to lawyers, government officials, regulators, engineers, and students, as well as the general public. The book explains the physical functioning of electric power systems, the electric power business in today's environment, and the related institutions, including recent changes in the roles of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Reliability Company. Significant changes that are affecting the industry are covered in this new edition, including:
The expanded role of the federal government in the planning and operation of the nation's electric utilities
New energy laws and a large number of FERC regulations implementing these laws
Concerns over global warming and potential impacts on the electric industry
Pressures for expansion of the electric grid and the implementation of "smart-grid" technologies
The growing importance of various energy-storage technologies and renewable energy sources
New nuclear generation technologies
The 2009 economic stimulus package


JACK CASAZZA is an electrical engineer with wide experience in the electric power profession as an executive, researcher, economist, and consultant. He has served as vice president in a major utility responsible for electric and gas planning and research, as a member of the Board of directors of the Georgia System Operating Co., and as chairman of the U.S. Technical Committee of CIGRE. Casazza is the author of six books on electric power policy and technology and founded the American Education Institute. An IEEE Life Fellow, he received the Halperin Award for his contributions to the development of the national transmission system.
FRANK DELEA is retired from Consolidated Edison Company, where he had a wide range of assignments giving him insight into planning, operational, financial, organizational, and legal issues. He was the company's chief electric planning engineer, its chief forecast engineer, its first project manager for rate cases, and a corporate planning director. He is an IEEE Senior Member. Since his retirement, Delea has conducted many short courses in technical, business, and regulatory issues relating to electric power systems for non-engineers.


Preface to the Second Edition.
CHAPTER 1 Benefits of Electric Power and a History of the Electric Power Industry.
1.1 Societal Benefits of Electricity.
1.2 Origin of the Industry.
1.3 The Development of the National Electric Power Grid.
1.4 "The Golden Age".
1.5 Global Warming Crisis and Concerns about Carbon Emissions.
1.6 Restructuring, Competition, and the Industry Ownership Structure.
CHAPTER 2 The Electric Power System.
2.1 The Customers.
2.2 Sources of the Electric Energy—Generation.
2.3 The Delivery System.
CHAPTER 3 Basic Electric Power Concepts.
3.1 Electric Energy.
3.2 Concepts Relating to the Flow of Electricity.
3.3 Characteristics of AC Systems.
3.4 Ohm's Law for Alternating Current.
3.5 Power in Alternating Current Circuits.
3.6 Power Flow.
3.7 Stability.
CHAPTER 4 Electric Energy Consumption.
4.1 End Uses for Electricity.
4.2 Customer Classes.
4.3 Rate Classes.
4.4 Demand and Energy.
4.5 System Load.
4.6 Reactive Load.
4.7 Losses and Unaccounted-For Energy in the Delivery System.
4.8 Forecasts.
CHAPTER 5 Electric Power Generation and Concerns About Greenhouse Gases.
5.1 Generation's Role.
5.2 Types of Generation.
5.3 Thermal Conversion: Using Fuel as the Energy Resource.
5.4 Thermal Conversion: Nonfuel Heat Sources.
5.5 Mechanical Energy Conversion.
5.6 Renewable Technologies and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
5.7 Characteristics of Generating Plants.
5.8 Capital Cost of Generation.
5.9 Generator Life Extension.
5.10 The Technology of Generation.
5.11 System Needs and Evaluation of Intermittent Resources.
CHAPTER 6 The Technology of the Electric Transmission System.
6.1 Components.
6.2 HVAC.
6.3 Substations.
6.4 HVDC.
6.5 Advantages of AC over DC Operation.
6.5 Knowledge Required of Transmission Systems.
CHAPTER 7 Distribution.
7.1 Function of Distribution.
7.2 Primary Distribution Feeders.
7.3 Distribution Capacity.
7.4 Losses.
7.5 Distribution Facility Ratings.
7.6 Metering.
7.7 Control of Distribution Voltages.
7.8 Distribution System Reliability.
7.10 Quality of Service.
7.11 Design of Distribution Systems.
7.12 Distributed Generation.
7.13 Operation of Distribution Systems.
7.14 Smart Grids and Microgrids.
CHAPTER 8 Energy Storage and Other New Technologies.
8.1 Energy Storage.
8.2 Energy Storage Concepts and Technologies.
8.3 Smart Grid.
8.4 New Nuclear Plant Designs.
8.5 Carbon Sequestration and Clean Coal Technologies.
8.6 Superconductors.
CHAPTER 9 Reliability.
9.1 Causes of Outages.
9.2 Costs of Power Outages.
9.3 Ways to Measure Reliability.
9.4 Planning and Operating a Reliable and Adequate Power System.
9.5 Summary.
CHAPTER 10 The Physical Network: The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Its Standards.
10.1 NERC as Electric Reliability Organization.
10.2 NERC Standards.
10.3 Development of Standards.
CHAPTER 11 The Physical Network: Operation of the Electric Bulk Power.
11.1 Balancing Authorities.
11.2 Reliability Coordinators.
11.3 Transmission Operators.
11.4 Voltage and Reactive Control.
11.5 Emergencies.
11.6 Information Exchange.
CHAPTER 12 The Physical Network: Planning of the Electric Bulk Power System.
12.1 Planning Standards.
12.2 Generation Planning.
12.3 Transmission Planning.
12.4 Least Cost Planning.
12.5 The New Planning Environment.
CHAPTER 13 The Regulatory Network: Legislation.
13.1 Pricing and Regulation.
13.2 Federal Legislation.
13.3 Federal Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA).
13.4 Federal Power Act.
13.5 Other 1930 Federal Laws.
13.6 Department of Energy Organization Act.
13.7 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA).
13.8 Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct02).
13.9 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct05).
13.10 The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.
13.11 Environmental Laws.
13.12 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
CHAPTER 14 The Regulatory Network: The Regulators.
14.1 The Regulators.
CHAPTER 15 The Information, Communication, and Control Network and Security.
15.1 Smart Grid.
15.2 Financial and Business Operations.
15.3 System Operations.
15.4 Distribution Operations.
15.5 Cyber Security.
15.6 Nuclear Plant Security.
CHAPTER 16 The Fuel and Energy Network.
16.1 Resource Procurement.
16.2 Fuel Transportation.
16.3 Fuel Diversity.
16.4 Fossil Fuels Used.
16.5 Renewable Energy.
16.6 Fuel Purchasing.
16.7 Emission Rights.
CHAPTER 17 The Business Network: Market Participants.
17.1 Investment and Cost Recovery.
17.2 The Changing Industry Structure.
17.3 New Structures.
17.4 New Corporate Ownership.
CHAPTER 18 The Money Network: Wholesale Markets.
18.1 The Energy Markets.
18.2 Transmission.
18.3 Customer Late Issues.
18.4 Market versus Operational Control.
18.5 Market Power Issues.
18.6 The Future.
CHAPTER 19 The Professional and Industry Organizations.
19.1 The Professional Organizations.
19.2 Industry Associations.
19.3 Public Interest Groups.
19.4 Research Organizations.







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