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作者:張婷婷 合著者:(美國)Rory Zimmerman


Founder of Microsoft Corp:Bill Gates—The Man Sitting on the Top of World
1 微軟公司創始人:比爾 ·蓋茨——坐在世界巔峰上的人
1.1 The Past, Present and Future of Microsoft微軟的昨天、今天和明天
1.2 Meeting Challenges from Competitors 直面對手挑戰
1.3 Internet Developing Is Future Business Focus 網絡是未來的重點
1.4 The Foundation Work Is Very Rewarding 基金會的工作可喜可賀
CEO of Apple Corp: Steve Jobs—The Well-known “Computer Giant ”
2 蘋果公司首席執行官:史蒂夫·喬布斯——聲名顯赫的“計算機巨人”
2.1 Apple Stories Like to Share 樂意分享的“蘋果故事”
2.2 Apple Is a Player in All Sorts of Technological Advancements“蘋果”是各種新技術的傳播者
CEO of Dell Corp: Michael Dell—The CEO Started from Installing Computers
3 戴爾公司首席執行官:邁克爾·戴爾——靠組裝電腦起家的首席執行官
3.1 Keeping Faith with the Direct Model 堅信直銷模式
3.2 Dell Will Explore Other Markets of Digital Products 戴爾會開發其他數碼產品市場
3.3 From Smaller Server to Commoditization 如何使小型服務器更加商品化
CEO of eBay: Meg Whitman—The Most Fashionable Business Woman
4 易趣首席執行官:梅格·惠特曼——最時尚的女商人
4.1 To Make Transaction Freer 讓人們更加自由地交易
4.2 You Can Buy Any Thing on eBay 您可以在易趣買到任何東西
Former CEO of HP Corp:Carly Fiorina —The Most Womanly Woman
5 惠普公司前首席執行官:卡莉·菲奧莉娜——女人中的女人
5.1 Way Above Market 搶占先機
5.2 Tough Choices 艱難的抉擇
CEO of Google:Eric Schmidt—The Legendary Figure in IT Industry
6 谷歌首席執行官:埃里克·施密特——IT界的傳說
6.1 Which Role Will Google Play in the Information World谷歌公司將在信息世界中扮演什麼角色
6.2 Googles Business Intelligence 谷歌的經營智慧
CEO of Amazon Corp:Jeff Bezos—Make Miracles in Electronic Business
7 亞馬遜首席執行官:杰夫·貝索斯——開創電子商務的奇跡
7.1 Kindle Is a New Product of Environmental Protection and Economic Development 電子書是環保經濟的新產品Googles Business Intelligence 谷歌的經營智慧
7.2 Amazons New Improvement of Customers Experience 亞馬遜改善客戶體驗
CEO of Cisco Corp:John Chambers—A Surprisingly Observant President
8 思科首席執行官:約翰·錢伯斯——洞察力驚人的總裁
8.1 Connecting the World Through Internet 用網絡連接世界
8.2 How to Make the Best of Technological Advances 怎樣最好地利用科技優勢
CEO of Yahoo Corp: Jerry Yang—The One to Start Century Cyber
9 雅虎公司首席執行官:楊致遠——世紀網絡第一人
9.1 Yahoo Corp Has Been Conducting Transition 雅虎一直在努力轉型
9.2 Yahoo Corp Will Implement Service Integration 雅虎將推進服務整合
CEO of Oracle Corp: Larry Ellison—Dropped Out Without College Graduate Certificate
10 甲骨文首席執行官:拉里·埃里森——沒有大學文憑的退學生
10.1 The Largest Provider of Software for Clinical Trials in the World 全球最大的臨床醫療軟件提供商
10.2 The Takeover of SUN 收購SUN公司
Former CEO of Intel Corp: Gordon Moore—A Modest Icon
11 英特爾公司前首席執行官:戈登·摩爾——謙和的偶像
11.1 The Magic of Moores Law 摩爾定律的魔法
11.2 New Economies Are Rapidly Catching Up新興經濟體正在快速趕上
Founder of Intel Corp: Andy Grove—The Leader in Leaders
12 英特爾公司創始人:安迪·格魯夫——領袖中的領袖
Where It Is Not Impossible, There Is Possibility 凡不是不可能的,就有可能
Founder and CEO of NVIDIA Corp: Jen-Hsun Huang-A Low-keyed Glutton for Work
13 NVIDIA公司的創始人兼首席執行官:黃仁勛——為人低調的工作狂
13.1 Effective Integration Solution Integration Solution Brings Efficiency整合一體的解決方案帶來更佳效率
13.2 The Current Manage Condition and Challenges Ahead of NVIDIA NVIDIA公司目前的經營狀況和未來挑戰
CEO of AMD:Hector Ruiz—The One with Enthusiasm for Hi-tech Promotion
14 AMD公司首席執行官:魯毅智——推動高科技普及的熱心人
14.1 The Launch of Windows Products This Year Will Make It Easier for People to Do the Transition 今年Windows產品的推出將使過渡更為容易
14.2 The New Generation CPU Possess Superior Cost-Performance Ratio 新一代處理器擁有極大的性價比優勢
CEO of Microsoft Corp: Steve Ballmer—Born to Be a Salesman and Speaker
15 微軟公司首席執行官:史蒂夫·鮑爾默——天生的銷售明星和演說家
15.1 Microsofts“Three Screens and the Cloud”Project微軟的“三個屏幕一片云”項目
15.2 In All Things That Are Emerging, There Are Questions to Be Asked所有事情的發生都是有原因的
CEO of HP Corp: Mark Hurd—The Most Innovative Professional Manager
16 惠普公司首席執行官:馬克·赫德——最富創新精神的職業經理人
16.1 HP Changes Its Sales Channel 惠普改變銷售渠道
16.2 HP Corp Is a Flexible Company with a Majority of Employees惠普公司很大也很靈活
CEO of Intel Corp: Paul Otellini—A CEO with a Long Way to Go
17 英特爾公司首席執行官:保羅·奧特利尼——任重而道遠的首席執行官
17.1 Netbook Never Takes the Place of Laptop 上網本無法取代筆記本
17.2 Improvement of CPU Features Relies on the Advancement of Technology 中央處理器的提升有賴于科學技術的進步
17.3 PC Industry on Brink of Recovery 即將恢復的個人電腦產業
CEO of Adobe Corp: Shantanu Narayen—A Strong Man with no Fear to Failure
18 Adobe公司首席執行官:山塔努·納拉延——無畏失敗的強者
18.1 The Response from Our Customers Has Been Very Positive客戶的反應非常積極
18.2 The New Mode of Internet Interaction 互聯網互動新模式
18.3 Acrobat Professional Has a Number of Features專業版Aerobat有很多特性
CEO of Symantec Corp: Enrique Salem—“Flight Man” Who Spends More than 200 Hundred Days a Year in the Plane
19 賽門鐵克公司首席執行官:恩里克·薩利姆—— 一年200多天在路上的“空中飛人”
HackersAttack Becomes the Biggest Threat 黑客攻擊成為最大威脅
CEO of EA Corp: John Pleasants—Leader in Electronic Art Industry
20 美國藝電首席執行官:約翰·普萊森茨——電子藝術的掌門人
20.1 China Market Has Great Potentials中國具有很大的市場潛力
20.2 Games Promote the Sales of PC Hardware 遊戲推動電腦硬件銷售
CEO of AOL Corp: Tim .Armstrong—A Well-received Executive in the Market
21 美國在線首席執行官:蒂姆·阿姆斯特朗——獲得市場一致好評的執行官
Instant Messaging Still Has Broad Market 即時通信仍有廣闊前景
CEO of IBM: Sam Palmisano —A Typical American Gentleman
22.1 Partitioning PC Division Can Make Us More Focus on Services 分拆電腦業務可以使我們專注服務
22.2 IBM Is a Trustworthy Brand IBM是值得信賴的品牌
22.3 Customer-oriented Is Our Long-term Strategy 以客戶為中心是我們的長期戰略
CEO of Palm: Jon Rubinstein—A Great Engineer
23 Palm公司首席執行官:喬恩·魯賓斯坦——一個偉大的工程師
Multiple Apps Can Be Run at the Same Time多任務應用程序可以在同一時間運行
CEO of MOTOROLA Corp: Sanjay Jha-co—The No.1 Executive to Whom Family Is Important
24 摩托羅拉聯合首席執行官:桑杰·賈——重視家庭的第一高管
Android Smart-Phone Is a New Opportunity
CEO of SUN: Jonathan Schwartz—A Conductor in “Technology Giant”
25 SUN公司首席執行官:喬納森·施瓦茨——“技術巨人”的指揮家
The Long Time Strategy Of SUN
CEO of Seagate Corp: Stephen Luczo—A CEO Who Goes Beyond the Setbacks
26 希捷公司首席執行官:史蒂芬 ·盧克佐——迎難而上的首席執行官
Solid State Disk Cannot Take the Place of Hard Disk Drive




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