The Science of Politics ─ An Introduction

The Science of Politics ─ An Introduction


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"I don't think that anyone has tried to write something like this before. If one wants to give an overview of political science, then this is about the only book there is!"-James A. Robinson Harvard University

"At long last, a text that puts science back into political science; at the same time, it is not an 'American government and politics' text masquerading as an introduction to political science. I am delighted with it. The central concept of the 'public good' lends coherence to the organization of the book and allows Josep M. Colomer to integrate a vast amount of material encompassing all levels of analysis. The product is a remarkable achievement."-Abdalla Battah Minnesota State University Mankato

"The Science of Politics: An Introduction aims to do something that no other political science textbook currently does: to lay out the key 'things we know' about politics that satisfy the criteria of simplicity, practicality, and historical relevance. It is very well written, with an authoritative style that clearly demonstrates an impressive sweep of historical knowledge and understanding...It has an analytical coherence that is consistent throughout the book, in line with the goal to be 'scientific.' This style completely distinguishes this text from others in the field and is a key selling point for students. I would recommend it to others without hesitation"-Helen Margetts University of Oxford.

A broad, accessible, and rigorous overview of politics, The Science of Politics: An Introduction introduces students to the most substantive and important issues in the field. Josep M. Colomer takes a unique approach to the study of politics, addressing it from two points of departure: as a fundamental human activity to pursue the common interests of the members of a community (i.e., the "public good") and as the subject of systematic and reliable knowledge (i.e., science). This method helps to bridge a persistent gap between developments in research and actual teaching in the discipline. It provides students with the best possible foundation to build upon as they move into more advanced study in the field.


Presents thirty principles that have been established through research over the years

Gives students the methodological tools to explore, study, and understand questions and issues that they may encounter

Discusses a variety of key issues including action, representation, government, and policy

Incorporates a number of pedagogical devices including summaries, key concepts, review questions, problems and applications, comparative case studies, and special features explaining classic research contributions


Josep M. Colomer is a life member of the American Political Science Association and an elected member of the Academia Europaea. He has taught political science in New York, Washington, and Mexico and is currently a Research Professor at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Barcelona. He is the author of more than thirty books, which have been published in six languages.







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