Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues

Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues


:NT$ 10599 元
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Here's how MyEthicsKit will help you succeed:

-You Decide! —A series of issue-centered debates that focus on opposing viewpoints via videos and survey tools that ultimately help students reach their own ethical decisions.

-Assessment—Automated grading offers immediate feedback on quizzes and assignments, and a gradebook allows both students and instructors to monitor student progress throughout the course.

-Research—Students receive round-the-clock access to reliable content for internet research projects, including thousands of full articles from the EBSCO ContentSelect database.


In This Section:

I. Author Bio

II. Author Letter

I. Author Bio

Dr. Bruce N. Waller is Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University. He received his Ph.D. in 1979 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His other works include Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues, Critical Thinking: Consider the Verdict, You Decide! Current Debates in Criminal Justice, You Decide! Current Debates in Contemporary Moral Problems, You Decide! Current Debates in Introductory Philosophy, You Decide! Current Debates in Ethics, and Coffee and Philosophy: A Conversational Introduction to Philosophy with Readings.

II. Author Letter

Dear Colleague,

Consider Ethics is based on the belief that undergraduate students from widely divergent backgrounds and levels of preparation can understand, appreciate, and benefit from the best and most insightful work on ethical theory. My students at Youngstown State University have provided solid evidence to substantiate that belief: they arrive at YSU from rough inner city schools, richly-funded suburban schools, and grossly underfunded rural schools. They come from the Appalachian region of southern Ohio and West Virginia, from the coal mining districts of Pennsylvania, and from the rust belt cities of northeast Ohio and they represent every ethnic group that arrived in Youngstown to work in the steel mills.

They come together to examine, explore and debate ethical theories, to share perspectives and insights, and to learn with and from one another. They demonstrate, year after year, that they are fully capable of the careful study of ethical theory, that they find the subject fascinating, and that they not only gain richer perspectives on ethics and a deeper understanding of their own views, but also make significant gains in their philosophical abilities and in their self-confidence for tackling difficult subjects. It is the success and the insights of those students that inspired this book, and that has guided the development of new editions.

Ethical theory is not an esoteric mystery, but instead the rigorous development of ideas and views that people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds find fascinating. It is a subject of important historical insights, exciting contemporary developments, challenging arguments, and deep disagreements. The study of ethical study enables students to view contemporary ethical debates from new perspectives and different angles – often allowing them space and freedom to re-evaluate their beliefs on specific ethical issues.

What remains from earlier editions is the overall style and structure of the text: the major approaches to ethical theory, from classical to contemporary, are presented in an accessible conversational style, together with representative passages from major theorists. Every chapter includes challenging questions for reflection and discussion that pose difficult quandaries, avoid easy answers, and push students to think hard and reflectively about their own conclusions.

In the 3rd Edition, there are new exercises for every chapter, a number of new readings (both classical and contemporary), new boxed quo







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