Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook

Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook


:NT$ 6435 元
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Life Care Planning is an advanced collaborative practice concerned with coordinating, accessing, evaluating, and monitoring necessary services for individuals with significant medical adversity. This handbook provides a comprehensive resource for all people involved with catastrophic impairments who need to solve complex medical care problems. Updating life care planning references, the third edition presents new chapters on home assessments, vehicle modification, day-in-the-life videos, and elder care. This edition also adds several new contributors who have completely rewritten or updated several chapters. The text offers an overview of issues relevant to selected disabilities, bringing together various concepts of life care plans into one publication and reviewing current thoughts, beliefs, and procedures.
The book begins by defining the roles played by each of the key team members working with the life care planner. It provides planners with insights critical to successful interactions with medical and health-related professionals as well as the team members they are most likely to encounter as they work to build a successful and accurate life care plan. Next, the book offers up-to-date information on the disabilities most frequently encountered by the life care planner. The contributors also address issues typically left out of similar texts which have been made critical by Daubert v. Merrell Dow in the forensic setting — issues related to ethics, standards, research and credentials.
Build a Client-Centered Life Care Plan

Includes the Updated Standards of Practice from the International Academy of Life Care Planners (IALCP)

Supplies Valuable Step-by-Step Charts and Checklists

Completely Revised and Expanded with Five New Chapters


Roger Weed, PhD, LPC, CRC, CDMS, CCM, FNRCA, FIALCP, professor and graduate rehabilitation counseling coordinator at Georgia State University, is a licensed professional counselor, certified rehabilitation counselor, certified disability management specialist, certified case manager, fellow of the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association, and fellow of the International Academy of Life Care Planners. Dr. Weed is the ethics chair for the International Academy of Life Care Planners and associate editor of the Journal of Life Care Planning. He is also the recipient of the lifetime achievement award from the sponsors of the annual life care planning conference.
Debra E. Berens, PhD, CRC, CCM, CLCP, is a certified rehabilitation counselor, certified case manager, and certified life care planner in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2001, she completed a 5-year term as commissioner on the national Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) and later was a member of the five-person task force responsible for revising the Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and Competencies for the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP). Dr. Berens is currently the managing editor of the Journal of Life Care Planning.


Life Care Planning: Past, Present, and Future, Roger O. Weed
The Role of the Physiatrist in Life Care Planning, Richard Paul Bonfiglio
The Role of the Nurse Case Manager in Life Care Planning, Susan Riddick-Grisham
The Role of the Vocational Counselor in Life Care Planning, Debra E. Berens and Roger O. Weed
The Role of the Psychologist in Life Care Planning, Randall L. Thomas and Anne Sluis Powers
The Role of the Neuropsychologist in Life Care Planning, Carol Walker
The Role of the Occupational Therapist in Life Care Planning, Nancy L. Mitchell
The Role of the Physical Therapist in Life Care Planning, Art Peddle
The Role of the SLP and Assistive Technology in Life Care Planning, Carolyn Wiles Higdon
The Role of the Audiologist in Life Care Planning, Carolyn W. Higdon and William Mustain
The Role of the Economist in Life Care Planning, Everett G. Dillman
Life Care Planning for the Amputee, Robert H. Meier, III
Life Care Planning for Acquired Brain Injury, David L. Ripley and Roger O. Weed
Life Care Planning for the Burn Patient, Kevin N. Foster and Ruth B. Rimmer
Life Care Planning for the HIV/AIDS Patient, Sherie L. Kendall
Life Care Planning for Depressive Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Schizophrenia, Sherie L. Kendall

Life Care Planning for People with Chronic Pain, Denise D. Lester and Robert Litwack
Life Care Planning for Spinal Cord Injury, Terry Winkler, Roger O. Weed, and Debra E. Berens
Life Care Planning for Organ Transplantation, Dan M. Bagwell and Jennifer Milton
Life Care Planning for the Visually Impaired, Terry Winkler and Roger O. Weed
Elder Care Management Life Care Planning Principles, Patricia McCollom and Dorothy Zydowicz
Forensic Issues for Life Care Planners, Roger O. Weed
A Personal Perspective of Life Care Planning, Raymond L. Arrona and Mamie Walters, as told to Anna N. Herrington
A Plaintiff ’s Attorney’s Perspective on Life Care Planning, Tyron C. Elliott
A Defense Attorney’s Perspective on Life Care Planning,Tracy Raffles Gunn
NEW! Life Care Planning and the Elder Law Attorney, Terry C. Cox and F. Auston Wortman, III
NEW! Day-in-the-Life Video Production in Life Care Planning, J. Mat Hunt, Jr.
Ethical Issues for the Life Care Planner, Roger O. Weed and Debra E. Berens
Reliability of Life Care Plans: A Comparison of Original and Updated Plans, Amy M. Sutton, Paul M. Deutsch, Roger O. Weed, and Debra E. Berens
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): From Case Law to Case Management and Life Care Planning Practice, Lewis E. Vierling
Technology and Life Care Planning, Randall L. Thomas
Life Care Planning Resources, Julie A. Kitchen and Laura L. Deutsch
Medical Equipment Choices and the Role of the Rehab Equipment Specialist in Life Care Planning, Paul Amsterdam

NEW! Home Assessment in Life Care Planning, Jim Karl and Roger O. Weed
NEW! Vehicle Modifications: Useful Considerations of Life Care Planners, Roger O. Weed and Lisa R. Engelhart
NEW! Credentialing and Other Issues in Life Care Planning, Roger O. Weed and Debra E. Berens
Appendix I: Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners
Appendix II: Bibliography of Life Care Planning and Related Publications







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