Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures

Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures


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As nanotechnology has developed over the last two decades, some nanostructures, such as nanotubes, nanowires, and nanoparticles, have become very popular. However, recent research has led to the discovery of other, less-common nanoforms, which often serve as building blocks for more complex structures.

In an effort to organize the field, the Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures presents an informal classification based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. A small nanotechnological encyclopedia, this book:

Describes a range of little-known nanostructures
Offers a unifying vision of the synthesis of nanostructures and the generalization of rare nanoforms
Includes a CD-ROM with color versions of more than 100 nanostructures
Explores the fabrication of rare nanostructures, including modern physical, chemical, and biological synthesis techniques

The Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures discusses a classification system not directly related to the dimensionality and chemical composition of nanostructure-forming compounds or composite. Instead, it is based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. Possessing unusual shapes and high surface areas, these structures are potentially very useful for catalytic, medical, electronic, and many other applications.


Boris Ildusovich Kharisov, Dr. Hab. Dr. Boris I. Kharisov (born in 1964, in Russia, has lived in Mexico from 1994, and naturalized in Mexico in 2003) is currently a Professor and Researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). He took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, working in the contaminated zone in 1987. Degrees: An MS in 1986, in radiochemistry and a PhD in inorganic chemistry in 1993, from the Moscow State University, Russia; Dr. Hab. in physical chemistry in 2006 from Rostov State University, Russia. Memberships: Mexican Academy of Science, National Researchers System (Level II), Materials Research Society. He is the co-author of four books, three book chapters, 121 articles, and has two patents. He is co-editor of three invited special issues of international journals, and is the member of the editorial board of four journals. His specialties include coordination and inorganic chemistry, phthalocyanines, ultrasound, and nanotechnology. Dr. Kharisov has three children. His biography was published in: "Who is Who in the World", "Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century", and more.Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova, Ph. D. Dr. Oxana V. Kharissova (born in 1969 in Ukraine, former USSR, has lived in Mexico from 1995, and naturalized in Mexico in 2004) is currently a Professor and Researcher at the UANL. Degrees: An MS in 1994, in crystallography from Moscow State University, Russia, and a Ph.D. in Materials from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico. Memberships: National Researchers System (Level I), Materials Research Society. She is the co-author of one book, 57 articles, and has two patents. Her specialties include nanotechnology (carbon nanotubes, nanometals, fullerenes), and crystallography. Ubaldo Ortiz-Mendez, Ph. D. Native of Durango, Mexico, Dr. Ubaldo Ortiz-Méndez, is currently the Academic Provost for the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. His bachelor degree in Physics was granted by the UANL in 1981, and his Ph.D. in Materials Engineering was granted by the Institut National des Sciences Appliqués INSA in 1984, in Lyon, France. Due to his work in research and publications, he has been awarded with the UANL Research Award thrice, in 1996, 2000, and 2001, also the State Government of Nuevo Leon has awarded him, with the TECNOS Award in 1994 and 2000, for several of his research works. For his academic achievement the Education Board of the French Republic has given him the proclamation of Knight of the Order of Academic Palms in 2009. He currently remains teaching at the UANL, where he has been for over 20 years.


Introduction to NanostructuresMethods for Obtaining Nanoparticles and Other NanostructuresGeneral Remarks on Nanoparticle Fabrication. Examples of Several Important Methods for the Synthesis of Nanoobjects. "Green" Aspects of Nanoparticle Synthesis. References.Brief Description of Some Classic NanostructuresCarbon-Based Nanostructures. Conventional Noncarbon Nanostructures. References.Less-Common NanostructuresSimple, Linear 1D, 2D, and 3D NanostructuresNanolines. Nanopencils. Nanodumbbells. Nanoshuttles. Nanopeapods. Nanopins. Nanochains. Nanobars. Nanowicks. Nanopillars. References.Various Prolonged 3D NanostructuresNanoarrows. Nanobones. Nanobottles. Nanobricks. Nanobowlings and Nanonails. Nanocones. Nanospears. Nanospikes. References.Circle and Ball-Type NanostructuresNanowheels. Nanoeggs. Nanoballs. Nanospheres. Nanograins. Nanorice. References.Nanocage-Type StructuresNanocages, Nanoboxes, and Nanocubes. Nanocapsules. References."Nanovegetation" WorldNanotrees. Nanoleaves. Nanoforests. Nanobushes. Nanomushrooms. Nanoflowers. Nanobouquets. Nanodewdrops. Nanoacorns. Nanomulberry. Broccoli-Like Architectures. Nanograsses. Nanokelps. Nanocorns. Nanocactus. Nanospines. Nanosheafs. Nanoonions. References."Nanoanimal" WorldNanolarvae. Nanoworms. Nanosquamae. Nanourchins. References."Home"-Like NanostructuresNanobowls. Nanocups. Nanoplates. Nanoforks. Nanospoons. Nanobrooms. Nanobrushes. Nanocarpets. Nanocombs. Nanofans. Nanospindles. Nanotroughs. Nanowebs. Other Rare "Home" Nanostructures. References."Nanotechnical" Structures and DevicesNanosprings/Nanocoils/Nanospirals. Nanoairplanes, Nanopropellers, and Nanowindmills. Nanoboat. Nanosaws. Nanobridges. Nanothermometers. Nanotweezers. Nanocars and Nanotrucks. Nanobalances. Nanogrids. Nanomesh. Nanofoams. Nanojunctions. Nanopaper. Nanobatteries. E-Nose and E-Tongue. References.Nanostructures Classified as PolyhedraNanotriangles. Nanosquares and Nanorectangles. Nanotetrahedra. Nanooctahedra. Nanopyramids. Nanoicosahedra. Nanododecahedra. Nanocuboctahedra. Nanocubes. Nanoprisms. References.Other Rare NanostructuresNanovolcanoes. Nanosponges. Nanostars. Nanoglass Ceramics. Other Nanoobjects. References.Selected Intriguing Topics in NanotechnologyCoordination and Organometallic NanomaterialsIntroduction. Coordination Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites. Organometallic Nanomaterials. Nanomaterials Based on Polymers. Coordination Nanomaterials as Precursors. References.Application of Ultrasound for Obtaining Nanostructures and NanomaterialsMetal/Alloy-Containing Nanostructures. Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Diamond, and Fullerenes. Oxide- and Hydroxide-Containing Nanostructures. Metal Salts and Complexes. Polymeric and Macrocyclic Nanostructures/Nanocomposites. Applications in Catalysis and Degradation of Toxic Substances. Applications in Drug Delivery and Tumor Treatments. References.Inorganic Non-Carbon NanotubesApplications of Inorganic Nanotubes. References.Soluble Carbon NanotubesFunctionalization by the Use of Elemental Metals, Inorganics, and Grignard Reagents. Functionalization of CNTs in Strong Acidic Media and with Oxygen- Containing Moieties. Functionalization with Compounds Containing Alkyl and Aromatic Moieties. Functionalization with Aliphatic and Aromatic Amine(Amido)-Containing Moieties. Functionalization with Sulfur-Containing Moieties. Functionalization with Macrocycles. Functionalization with the Use of Biomolecules. Functionalization with the Use of Polymers or Their Precursors. Special Techniques in the Synthesis and Purification of Soluble CNTs. Study of Reactivity and Physicochemical Properties of Soluble CNTs. Main Applications of Soluble CNTs. References.GrapheneStructure and Properties. Synthesis. Reactivity. Applications. References.NanodiamondsSynthesis Methods for Nanodiamonds. Techniques Applied to Study Structural and Electronic Properties of Nanodiamonds. Some Physical Properties of Nanodiamonds. Chemical Properties and Functionalization of Nanodiamonds. Nanodiamond Films and Composite Materials. Applications. References.FulleropyrrolidinesPorphyrin-Containing Fulleropyrrolidines. Fulleropyrrolidines with Sulfur-Containing Groups. Ferrocene-Containing Fulleropyrrolidines. Fulleropyrrolidine Bis- and Tris-Adducts. Enzyme-Containing Fulleropyrrolidines. Polymer-Containing Fulleropyrrolidines. Other Intriguing Fulleropyrrolidines. C70-Pyrrolidines. Carbon Nanotubes, Functionalized with Pyrrolidines. Applied Techniques to Study Fulleropyrrolidines. Applications. Appendix A: Selected Modified Methods of Cycloaddition. References.Small Fullerenes C20







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