Sampling Strategies for Natural Resources And The Environment

Sampling Strategies for Natural Resources And The Environment


:NT$ 7150 元
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Written by renowned experts in the field, Sampling Strategies for Natural Resources and the Environment covers the sampling techniques used in ecology, forestry, environmental science, and natural resources. The book presents methods to estimate aggregate characteristics on a per unit area basis as well as on an elemental basis. In addition to common sampling designs such as simple random sampling and list sampling, the authors explore more specialized designs for sampling vegetation, including randomized branch sampling and 3P sampling. One of the book's unique features is the emphasis on areal sampling designs, including plot/quadrat sampling, Bitterlich sampling, line intersect sampling, and several lesser known designs. The book also provides comprehensive solutions to the problem of edge effect. Another distinguishing aspect is the inclusion of sampling designs for continuums, focusing on the methods of Monte Carlo integration.By presenting a conceptual understanding of each sampling design and estimation procedure as well as mathematical derivations and proofs in the chapter appendices, this text promotes a deep understanding of the underpinnings of sampling theory, estimation, and inference. Moreover, it will help you reliably sample natural populations and continuums.


PREFACEINTRODUCTIONThe need for sampling strategies A medley of sampling scenariosProbability sampleInference Population descriptive parametersHistorical note Terms to remember AppendixSAMPLING DISTRIBUTION OF AN ESTIMATOR Distribution of values Estimation Interval estimation The role of simulated sampling Other considerations Terms to remember ExercisesAppendixSAMPLING DESIGNS FOR DISCRETE POPULATIONS Introduction Equal probability designsUnequal probability designsTerms to remember Exercises AppendixSAMPLING DESIGNS FOR CONTINUOUS POPULATIONS Introduction Crude Monte CarloImportance sampling Control variate estimation Sampling in two or three dimensions General notation Terms to remember Exercises and projects AppendixSTRATIFIED SAMPLING DESIGNS Introduction Rationale for stratified sampling Estimation with stratified samplingSample allocation among strataIncorrect assignment of population elements into strata Double sampling for stratification PoststratificationStratified sampling of a continuous populationTerms to Remember Exercises AppendixUSING AUXILIARY INFORMATION TO IMPROVE ESTIMATION Generalized ratio estimator Bias of the generalized ratio estimator Variance of the generalized ratio estimator Estimated variance of the generalized ratio estimator Confidence interval estimation Ratio estimation with systematic sampling design Generalized ratio estimation with stratified samplingGeneralized regression estimatorDouble sampling with ratio and regression estimationTerms to Remember Exercises AppendixSAMPLING WITH FIXED AREA PLOTS Introduction NotationSampling protocol EstimationEdge effectPlot size and shape Estimating change Terms to rememberExercises AppendixBITTERLICH SAMPLING Introduction Fundamental conceptsEstimation following Bitterlich samplingEdge effect Double samplingSampling to estimate change in stockTerms to rememberExercisesLINE INTERSECT SAMPLING Introduction LIS with straight-line transectsUnit area estimators Estimation with an auxiliary variate Estimating the mean attribute Nesting transects of different lengths Dealing with edge effect in LISTransects with multiple segmentsParallel transects of uneven lengthTerms to remember Exercises AppendixA MONTE CARLO INTEGRATION APPROACH TO AREAL SAMPLING Areal samplingPlot sampling Bitterlich sampling Point relascope sampling Line intersect sampling Perpendicular distance sampling Edge correction Redux: Continuous versus discrete Terms to Remember Exercises AppendixMISCELLANEOUS METHODSIntroduction Point relascope sampling Horizontal line sampling Transect relascope sampling Ranked set samplingAdaptive cluster sampling 3P sampling Terms to RememberExercises AppendixTWO-STAGE SAMPLING Customary two-stage samplingGeneral two-stage sampling Three-stage sampling Terms to RememberRANDOMIZED BRANCH SAMPLINGTerminology Path selectionEstimation Selection probabilities Tools and tricks of the trade Subsampling a pathTerms to remember Exercises and projects AppendixSAMPLING WITH PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Introduction Estimation with partially replaced sampling unitsEstimation of changeSPR with stratification SPR for three occasions Concluding remarks Terms to remember AppendixBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX







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