Revolutionary America 2e

Revolutionary America 2e


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Revolutionary America explains the crucial events in the history of the United States between 1763 and 1815, when settlers of North America rebelled against British rule, won their independence in a long and bloody struggle, and created an enduring republic.

Now in its second edition, Revolutionary America has been completely revised, updating the strengths of the previous edition. New features include:

New introduction for the second edition.

New chapter on Native Americans.

Revised and expanded bibliographic essay.

Updated historiography throughout the text.

Companion Website with study aids, maps, and documentary resources.

Revolutionary America also examines those who were excluded from the immediate benefits and rights secured by the creation of the new republic. In particular, author Francis D. Cogliano describes the experiences of women, Native Americans, and African Americans, each of whose experiences challenged the principle that "all men are created equal," which lay at the heart of the American Revolution.

Placing the political revolution at the core of the story, Revolutionary America presents a clear history of the War of Independence, and lays a distinctive foundation for students and scholars of the Early Republic.
For additional information and classroom resources please visit the Revolutionary America companion website at


Francis D. Cogliano is Professor of American History at the University of Edinburgh where he specializes in the history of revolutionary and early national America. He is the author of Thomas Jefferson: Reputation and Legacy (2006).


Chapter 1: Native Americans and the American Revolution

1. Southern Indians during the Seven Years’ War
2. Petition from the Paxton Boys, 1764
3. Logan’s Lament, 1775
4. Congress appeals to the Six Nations, July 13, 1775
5. Joseph Brant speaks to Lord George Germain, March 14, 1776
6. Joseph Brant (1786)
7. A Missionary Speaks on Behalf of the Oneidas and Onondagas, 1777
8. Treaty with the Delawares, 1778
9. Chickasaw Chiefs appeal to Congress, 1783
10. The Eve of War, 1811
11. Aftermath of the War of 1812
Chapter 2: British North America in 1763

1. Bill of Rights, 1689
2. Benjamin Franklin, Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, 1751
3. Servants and Slaves in Virginia, 1722
4. Advertisement for runaways, 1752, 1766
5. Albany Plan of Union, 1754
6. Join, or Die, 1754
7. Treaty of Paris, 1763
8. Governing a New World
9. Map of North America in 1763

Chapter 3: The Imperial Crisis

1. The Stamp Act, March 22, 1765
2. Virginia Resolves, May 29, 1765
3. The Stamp Act Congress asserts American Rights and Grievances, October 19, 1765
4. The Death of Liberty, October 31, 1765
5. New York Stamp Act Riot
6. Examination of Benjamin Franklin before the House of Commons, 1766
7. Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, March 18, 1766
8. Parliament declares its authority, March 18, 1766
9. The Boston Massacre
10. Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre
11. First Continental Congress, Declaration of Rights and Grievances, October 14, 1774
12. Broadside: New Hampshire Non-Importation Agreement, 1774

Chapter 4: Revolution, 1775-1776

1. Patrick Henry, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, March 23, 1775
2. The Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775
3. Image: Battle of Lexington, 1775
4. General Gage’s Proclamation, June 12, 1775
5. Bunker’s Hill or America’s Head Dress (1776)
6. Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775
7. Olive Branch Petition, July 8, 1775
8. George III Proclaims the Americans in a State of Rebellion, August 23, 1775
9. Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)
10. Jefferson’s Original Rough Draft of the Declaration of Independence
11. Image: Statue of George III demolished

Chapter 5: Winning Independence: The Wars of the American Revolution

1. A British view of the siege of Boston
2. George Washington reflects on his appointment to command the Continental Army
3. Harassment of Loyalists in South Carolina
4. Observations of a New Hampshire Loyalist
5. Congress resolves to protect Loyalists, June 18, 1776
6. Washington reflects on the challenges facing the Continental Army
7. Letters from a rebel prisoner
8. Treaty of Paris, 1783
9. A Loyalist Returns

Chapter 6: African Americans in the Age of Revolution

1. Virginia Revolutionaries defend slavery
2. Lord Dunmore promises freedom to Virginia slaves
3. Thomas Jefferson on Slavery and African Americans
3a. Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence, July 1, 1776
3b. Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-1782
3c. Benjamin Banneker to Thomas Jefferson, Baltimore County, August 10, 1791
3d. Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Banneker, August 30, 1791
4. Massachusetts Slaves Petition for Freedom
5. Rebel Soldiers
6. Gradual Abolition in Pennsylvania
7. Freedom Certificate, 1783
8. Pennsylvania Abolitions petition Congress, 1790
9. An account of Toussaint L’Ouverture
10. Revolution in Haiti
11. Ben Woolfolk, Testimony in the Trial of Gabriel, October 6, 1800
12. Rebel’s Statement from Gabriel’s Conspiracy, September 25, 1804

Chapter 7: The Confederation Era

1. John Adams calls for new constitutions, 1775
2. Pennsylvania’s new constitution – a critical view
3. Massachusetts voters reject a constitution
4. Massachusetts Tries Again, 1780
5. The Articles of Confederation (1777)
6. Alexander Hamilton decries the weakness of Congress
7. Banknotes
8. Shay’s Rebellion
9. The Shaysites make their case
10. Massachusetts pursues a contradictory strategy in response to the rebels
11. "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing": Jefferson reacts to Shays’s Rebellion

Chapter 8: Creating the Constitution

1. Madison on the flaws of the Articles of Confederation
2. The Virginia Plan
3. The New Jersey Plan
4. Franklin addresses the Constitutional Convention
5. Federalist number 10
6. Political Creed of Every Federalist
7. Opposition to the Constitution in Pennsylvania
8. The Grand Federal Edifice
9. Bill of Rights (1789)

Chapter 9: American Women in the Age of Revolution

1. Deborah Franklin describes the Stamp Act Riots
2. Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, London, April 6, 1766
3. Deborah Franklin: Power of Attorney, October 14, 1768
4. Boston Women Boycott Tea, 1770
5. The Edenton Tea Party, 1774
6. Letters from Abigail Adams (1744 - 1818) to John Adams (1735 – 1826)
7. The Sentiments of an American Woman, 1780
8. The Deposition of a Female Spy, 1781
9. Petition of Rachel Wells to the Continental Congress, 1786
10. Benjamin Rush, Thoughts upon Female Education (1787)
Benjamin Rush, Thoughts Upon Female Education (Philadelphia: Prichard & Hall, 1787)
11. Diary of Hannah Callender, July 4, 1788
George Vaux Collection, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
12. Extracts from the New Jersey Constitution (1776, 1844)
New Jersey State Library
13. Declaration of Sentiments (1848)

Chapter 10: The Federalist Era

1. A Federalist Vision of Economic Development
1a. The Report on Public Credit
1b. The Report on Manufactures
2. "Those who labor in the earth:" Jefferson’s opposition to manufacturing
3. Opposition to Hamilton’s Program
4. The Whiskey Rebellion
5. Washington’s Farewell Address
6. The Alien and Sedition Acts
6a. An Act Concerning Aliens, June 25, 1798
6b. An Act Respecting Alien Enemies, July 6, 1798
6c. An Act in Addition to the Act, Entitled "An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States"
7. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
7a. Virginia Resolutions, December 21, 1798
7b. Kentucky Resolutions, December 3, 1799

Chapter 11: An Empire of Liberty, 1801-1815

1. The Ordinance of 1784
2. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801
3. Mad Tom in a Rage, 1801
4. Instructions to Lewis and Clark
5. The constitutional implications of the Louisiana Purchase
6. Thomas Jefferson, Third Annual Message to Congress, October 17, 1803
7. "Ograbme Cartoon, c. 1808
8. A Boxing Match, or Another Bloody Nose for John Bull, 1813
9. Francis Scott Key, Star –Spangled Banner, September 14, 1814
10. The Hartford Convention, 1814
11. The Battle of New Orleans







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