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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation of the Study
1.2 The Research Subject Chosen-Translated MBA Textbooks
1.3 Research Goals
1.4 Research Methods and Data Collection
Chapter 2 MBA Textbook Translation in Modern China
2.1 An Overview of Textbook Translation in China
2.1.1 History of Textbook Translation in China
2.1.2 Pros and Cons of Translated Textbooks
2.2 The Development of Business Education and Translation of MBA Textbooks in China Since the Twentieth Century
2.2.1 Relevant Concepts
2.2.2 The Development of Business Education in China Since the Twentieth Century
2.2.3 MBA Textbook Translation in China
2.2.4 Characteristics of MBA Textbook Translation
Chapter 3 An Interdisciplinary Framework for Studying MBA Textbook Translation
3.1 The Study of Textbook Translation as an Event of Translation Criticism
3.1.1 A Review of Relevant Concepts and Theories
3.1.2 The Implications of Translation Criticism for MBA Textbook Translation
3.2 The Skopos Theory
3.2.1 A Review of Relevant Concepts and Theories
3.2.2 The implications of the Skopos Theory for MBA Textbook Translation
3.3 Intercultural Communication
3.3.1 A Review of Relevant Concepts and Theories
3.3.2 The Implications of Intercultural Communication for MBA Textbook Translation
3.4 Underlying Theories and Principles for Textbook Writing
3.4.1 A Review of Relevant Concepts and Theories
3.4.2 The Implications of Textbook Writing Principles for MBA Textbook Translation
3.5 Collaborative Translation
3.5.1 A Review of Relevant Concepts and Theories
3.5.2 The Implications of Collaborative Translation for MBA Textbook Translation
Chapter 4 MBA Textbook Translation Perspective-Wise
4.1 Insights and Feedback from the Field on MBA Textbook Translation
4.1.1 Input from Publishers of Translated MBA Textbooks
4.1.2 Feedback from Translated MBA Textbook Users
4.1.3 Input from MBA Textbook Translators
4.2 Translation Scholars' Perspectives on Translators and Practical Translation
Chapter 5 MBA Textbook Translation Technical-Wise
5.1 Selection Criteria for Translated MBA Textbooks to Be Studied
5.2 Common Errors and Their Root Causes in MBA Textbook Translation
5.2.1 Translator's Lack of English Proficiency or Specialty Knowledge
5.2.2 Translator's Lack of Cultural Knowledge of the SL
5.2.3 Translator "s Deficiency in Translation Knowledge and Skills or Inadequate Command of the TL
5.2.4 Inadequate Proofreading Mechanism
5.2.5 Measures for Quality Assurance
5.3 Distinctive Issues in MBA Textbook Translation and Recommendations
5.3.1 Regular Omissions from the Original Book
5.3.2 Frequent Re-translations because of Recurring New Editions of the Same Original Book
5.3.3 Inconsistent Translation Quality and Style in the Same Book due to Ineffective Collaborative Translation
5.4 Further Suggestions
5.4.1 The Involvement of Translation Scholars and Translator Organizations
5.4.2 The Adoption of Computer-aided Translation
5.4.3 Comprehensive Translator Training
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Significance and Limitations of This Research
6.2 Future Research Potentials
Appendix Ⅰ Interview Questions
Appendix Ⅱ Questionnaire


For Vermeer, translation is a type of intentional, purposeful human action that takes place in a certain situation embedded in a culture (ibid:ll). Further detail on the intercultural aspect of translation is discussed in Section 3.3.-"Intercultural Communication".
Adequacy vs. Equivalence
No translation theorist in history seems to be able to get away without addressing the topic of equivalence. Although the Skopos theory has dethroned the source-text based equivalence, it has found a replacement, "adequacy" in translation, to provide a criterion for evaluating translation. Within the framework of Skopostheorie, "adequacy" means that the translation should be"adequate to" the requirements of the translation brief (ibid:35). According to Reiss and Vermeer (ibid:36), though equivalence could be the goal for a translation, it is not the guideline; instead, adequacy should be used as the criterion for translation and it is the translation purpose, or the Skopos, that determines the specific kind of equivalence (e.g. formal equivalence, functional equivalence, etc.) needed.
"Source Text-in-Situation" and "Target Text-in-Situation"
To address the criticism that the Skopos theory pays little attention to the linguistic features of the ST, Nord has proposed a model for translation-oriented text analysis, which enables the translator to compare the "source text-in-situation" with the "target text-in-situation" and determine the best route to go about transferring the text (1997:63). Such comparisons of the intended functions, addressees, reasons for text production, medium, and so on serve to clarify factors influencing translation strategies and assist the translator in identifying pragmatic translation problems (cf. ibid:63-65).
The Contribution of Skopostheorie
Vermeer's Skopostheorie has played a leading role in the development of the functionalist translation theories. According to Tao (2006:23), its major contributions are.




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