Stateness and Sovereign Debt — Greece in the European Conundrum

Stateness and Sovereign Debt — Greece in the European Conundrum


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The main scope of the book is to explore the current difficulties in the Southern flank of the EU, and the theoretical predicaments regarding the concept of ‘state sovereignty’, through an analysis of the Greek socio-economic crisis. The academic audience of the book lies in the three disciplines of Politics, International Relations and European Law respectively.


Kostas A. Lavdas is Professor of European Politics and Head, Department of Political Science, University of Crete, Greece where he was previously Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Personnel and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Born in Athens in 1964, he studied political science, political sociology, public policy and international relations in Athens, the UK (at LSE and Manchester), and the USA (at MIT). He has published extensively in English, German and Greek on European politics, Greek politics and policy, comparative interest group politics and applied political theory. He has taught (as a Professor, an Associate Professor and a Senior Lecturer) and researched (as a Senior Research Fellow and a Research Associate) at several universities and research centers in Europe and the USA. Author of The Europeanization of Greece: Interest Politics and the Crises of Integration (London / New York: Macmillan / St Martin’s Press, 1997), Politics, Subsidies and Competition: The New Politics of State Intervention in the European Union (with M. Mendrinou) (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1999), Formation and Development of the European Communities (in Greek) (Patras: Hellenic Open University, 2003), Interests and Politics: Interest Organization and Patterns of Governance (in Greek) (Athens: Papazisis, 2004), Politics between the Potential and the Familiar (in Greek) (Athens: Sideris, 2010), and A Republic of Europeans: Civic Potential in a Liberal Milieu (with D. Chryssochoou) (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2011). Co-editor (with D. Chryssochoou) of European Unification and Political Theory: The Challenge of Republicanism (in Greek) (Athens: Sideris, 2004) and (with D. Chryssochoou and D. Xenakis) of Directions in the Study of International Relations (in Greek) (Athens: Sideris, 2010). Author of numerous chapters in international volumes (The Political Economy of Privatization, Verbaende und Verbandssysteme in Westeuropa, Republicanism in Theory and Practice, The New Balkans, among others) and articles in distinguished international journals (including European Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Politics, among others). He regularly serves as a referee for international journals (including Political Studies, European Journal of Political Theory, Journal of European Public Policy, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and others) and research funding institutions (including the ESRC of the UK). He has served as a member of the Board at the Hellenic Center for European Studies (EKEM) and at the Center for Educational Research (KEE). In 2007-2008 he was the Constantine Karamanlis Professor of Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA, and in 2009 he was a Senior Research Fellow at the European Institute, Hellenic Observatory, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

Spyridon N. Litsas is Assistant Professor of International Relations Theory at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Greece. Born in Chania, Crete in 1974, he studied Politics and European Studies (BA Hons) at the University of Central Lancashire (UK), and International Relations (Ph.D) at the University of Durham (UK). He is the author of the monograph War and Rationality: A Theoretical Analysis, Athens: Poiotita Publications, 2010. In addition, he has published in various scientific journals both in Greek and English and has participated in collective volumes about







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