Transport Properties in Macroscopically Inhomogeneous Media ― From Mean-field Models to the Theory of Percolation

Transport Properties in Macroscopically Inhomogeneous Media ― From Mean-field Models to the Theory of Percolation


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Based on the authors’ research, this volume is an original take on the modern theory of inhomogeneous media. It shows the reader how to use component distribution data to find the effective properties of composites, and covers many other aspects of the topic.


Professor Andrew Snarskii obtained his physics undergraduate and Master Science degrees from Chernivtsi State University in 1972. In 1976 he received PhD also from Chernivtsi State University. He received degree of doctor of science (habilitation degree) from Kiev Institute of Physics in 1991. His fields of research include thermoelectricity, physical processes in percolation structures, deterministic chaos, fractals, theory of complex networks. Now he is a full tenured Professor of Kiev Polytechnic University.

Dr. Igor V. Bezsudnov graduated from Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics in 1985. Since then he always worked in research and development departments of different companies. In 2012 he received Ph.D in physics from Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His fields of research include the behaviour of inhomogeneous media near the percolation threshold, phenomenon of self-organized criticality, thermoelectric properties of disordered media, computer numerical modelling of complex media. Now his affiliation is vice director of NPP Nauka-Service, Moscow, chef of R&D.

Mr. Vladimir A. Sevryukov graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1983. His work has always been connected with the development and application of advanced technologies and scientific achievements. Fields of research and interest includes percolation systems and their transport properties, computer modelling of highly disordered media. Currently he is the director of NPP Nauka-Service,Moscow.

Dr. Alexander Morozovskiy graduated from Kiev Polytechnic University in 1982. He worked as researcher in Kiev Institute of Metal Physics. He received his PhD from Kiev Institute of Metal Physics in 1988. His area of research includes theory of percolation, superconductivity, market microstructure, credit risk, econophysics. Currently he is working at Citibank.

Professor Joseph Malinsky obtained his physics undergraduate and (advanced) Master of Science degrees from Kiev State University in 1973. In 1985 he has received Ph.D in physics from the Graduate Center of CUNY under the supervision of Professor Joseph L.Birman. His fields of research include areas of Condensed Matter Physics, Biophysics, Mathematical Biology etc. His affiliations include CCNY, BCC, Graduate Center of City University of NY (physics program), Mount Sinai Medical School (Departments of Biophysics and Biomathematics). Now he is a full tenured Professor.







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