Process Analytical Technology for the Food Industry

Process Analytical Technology for the Food Industry


:NT$ 8055 元
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The Process Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative aims to move from a paradigm of ‘testing quality in’ to ‘building quality in by design’. It has been widely adopted within the pharmaceutical and petrochemical process industries. However adoption within the food industry to date is limited.

To meet the objectives of PAT, real time sensing techniques are employed to control predetermined critical control parameters throughout the processing chain. PAT can be defined as the optimal application of process analytical technologies, feedback process control strategies, information management tools and/or product–process optimisation strategies.

Recently, there have been significant advances in process sensors and in model-based monitoring and control methodologies. Enormous opportunities for improved performance of food manufacturing processes and for the quality of food products could be exploited if recent developments in PAT were adopted by industry. Improvements in process efficiency, reduced product variability, enhanced traceability, process understanding and decreased risk of contamination are some of the benefits arising from the introduction of a PAT strategy in the food industry.

This text will serve as a comprehensive reference for industry, researchers, educators and students, providing a comprehensive insight into the objectives, challenges and benefits of adopting a Process Analytical Technology strategy in the food industry.

Process Analytical Technology for the Food Industry reviews established and emerging PAT tools which have potential application within the food processing industry. The range of industrial applications covered will provide engineers and scientists working in the food, pharmaceutical and bioprocessing industries with a valuable resource for their work.


Dr PJ Cullen lectures and co-ordinates process engineering research in Dublin Institute of Technology. His current research interests include the development of novel hyperspectral, multipoint and 3D imaging systems for process control. He initiated the “Food Quality, Safety & Analysis” sessions at IFPAC the world’s leading PAT conference and has served on its organising committee since. He has published over 100 journal papers & book chapters.

Professor Colm O'Donnell is Vice Principal of Teaching & Learning in the UCD College of Engineering and Architecture where he leads a research team working on a range of Process Analytical Technology and Novel Processing Technology research projects in the School of Biosystems Engineering. He has published widely in the area of process analytical technology for dairy processing and holds two patents in this area. He is Editor of the International Journal of Food Properties and an Associate Editor (Food Engineering) of Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Dr Colette Fagan is a Lecturer in Food Processing Science and Director of the Food Processing Centre at the University of Reading. Her research focuses on Process Analytical Technology and in particular its application to dairy processing. She has published over 40 journal papers & book chapters and holds two patents for novel sensing technologies used in the control of dairy processing.







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