The Divine

The Divine


:NT$ 700 元
可得紅利積點:16 點


Mike's out of the military, these days, with his boring, safe civilian job doing explosives consulting. But you never really get away from war. So it feels inevitable when his old army buddy Jason comes calling, with a lucrative military contract for a mining job in an obscure South-East Asian country called Quanlom. They'll have to operate under the radar—Quanlom is being torn apart by civil war, and the US military isn't strictly supposed to be there.
With no career prospects and a baby on the way, Mike finds himself making the worst mistake of his life and signing on with Jason. What awaits him in Quanlom is going to change everything.
What awaits him in Quanlom is weirdness of the highest order: a civil war led by ten-year-old twins wielding something that looks a lot like magic, leading an army of warriors who look a lot like gods.
What awaits him in Quanlom is an actual goddamn dragon.
From world-reknowned artists Asaf and Tomer Hanuka (twins, whose magic powers are strictly confined to pen and paper) and Boaz Lavie, The Divine is a fast-paced, brutal, and breathlessly beautiful portrait of a world where ancient powers vie with modern warfare and nobody escapes unscathed.


Boaz Lavie is a writer, filmmaker and game designer residing in Tel Aviv. He has written screenplays for popular Israeli TV shows, including for the Israeli leading broadcast TV channel. He was the film section editor for a major Israeli website, and has published stories in several literary magazines. "The Lake", a short film he has written and directed, was featured in Academy Award qualifying events such as The San Francisco International Film Festival, Slamdance, Palm Springs Film Festival, and others. It has won critical acclaim and was selected by the film magazine SF360 as one of the best five undiscovered films for 2010.
Asaf Hanuka is a comics artist whose books have been published in The U.S, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Israel and Korea. With his twin brother Tomer he created “Bipolar” comics (2000-2005) which garnered nominations for both the Ignatz and Eisner Awards. Asaf was also nominated for Eisner award for his book “Pizzeria Kamikaze” with writer Etgar Keret (2006). His latest book, “The Realist” (2012), is an autobiographical comics about his life in Tel Aviv, has won a Gold Medal from The Society of Illustrators, and was translated into many languages. Asaf has contributed to the art of Oscar-nominated doco-animation film “Waltz with Bashir”.
Tomer Hanuka is an illustrator whose work has been featured on book covers, in magazines and in film. He has won multiple gold medals from the Society of Illustrators and the Society of Publication Designers and his work has been showcased in Print magazine and American Illustration. He also contributed art to the Oscar nominated “Waltz with Bashir.” With his twin brother Asaf, Tomer created “Bipolar” comics (2000-2005) which garnered nominations for both the Ignatz and Eisner Awards. a collection of his illustrations, titled "Overkill", was published in 2012. This last February he illustrated the Valentine's Day themed cover of The New Yorker magazine.
Their most recent work is the graphic novel The Divine.







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