Qualitative Inquiry - Past, Present, and Future ─ A Critical Reader

Qualitative Inquiry - Past, Present, and Future ─ A Critical Reader


:NT$ 2340 元
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In this critical reader, the best writing of two dozen key figures in qualitative research are gathered together to help students to identify emerging themes in the field and the latest thinking of the leaders in qualitative inquiry. These groundbreaking articles are pulled from a decade of social justice-focused plenary volumes emanating from the annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. These are the ideas that have helped shape the landscape of the field over the past decade. This work<br>-brings together the latest work of 25 leading figures in qualitative research from 4 continents;<br>-addresses the central themes of the field over the past decade in theory, methodology, politics, and interventions;<br>-includes contextualizing essays by the volume editors, who direct the Congress.


Norman K. Denzin (PhD, University of Iowa) is Distinguished Professor of Communications, College of Communications Scholar, and Research Professor of Communications, Sociology, and Humanities at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. One of the world’s foremost authorities on qualitative research and cultural criticism, Denzin is the author or editor of more than two dozen books, including The Qualitative Manifesto; Qualitative Inquiry Under Fire; Reading Race; Interpretive Ethnography; The Cinematic Society; The Voyeur’s Gaze; and The Alcoholic Self. He is past editor of The Sociological Quarterly, co-editor (with Yvonna S. Lincoln) of four editions of the landmark Handbook of Qualitative Research, coeditor (with Michael D. Giardina) of nine plenary volumes from the annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, co-editor (with Lincoln) of the methods journal Qualitative Inquiry, founding editor of Cultural Studies<=>Critical Methodologies and International Review of Qualitative Research, editor of three book series, and founding director of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Michael D. Giardina (PhD, University of Illinois) is an Associate Professor of Sport Management and Associate Director of the Center for Sport, Health, and Equitable Development at Florida State University. He is the author of Sport, Spectacle, and NASCAR Nation: Consumption and the Cultural Politics of Neoliberalism (Palgrave, 2011, with Joshua Newman), which received the 2012 Outstanding Book Award from the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) and was named to the 2012 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles list, and Sporting Pedagogies: Performing Culture & Identity in the Global Arena (Peter Lang, 2005), which received the 2006 Outstanding Book Award from NASSS. He is also the editor or co-editor of more than a dozen books on qualitative inquiry and interpretive research. He is the Special Issues Editor of Cultural Studies<=>Critical Methodologies, Editor of the Sociology of Sport Journal, and the associate director of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.







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