My Arab King of My Heart and Soul ─ Far East Meets Middle East

My Arab King of My Heart and Soul ─ Far East Meets Middle East


:NT$ 1080 元
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This is a love story about lust of the heart and soul, not about the lust of the physical body. Lust is when you love only what you see with your eyes. Love is when you lust for what is inside a person.

Love is the most misunderstood word in world. It is just a clichéd term mostly mistaken for physical intimacy. This is so sadly mistaken because love is not about dating or desiring someone physically and sexually. Love is not just about having someone whom you can label as your boyfriend or girlfriend. It is not about having sex to fulfill your sexual desires or fantasies.

My introduction to Mashalany’s magic is powerful and intoxicating. I was a butterfly until he caught me in his net paralyzed, unable, and unwilling to escape. I am totally his. He is like the wind—I can’t see him but I can feel him.

Mashalany touches my heart without touching my body. My heart melts with just his voice saying my name.

Infatuation or physical lust is a short-term gratification and offers nothing worth saving. Infatuation is temporary and blind; it will also shatter because it is fragile. The heart and soul is all-seeing and accepting of each blemish and flaw. The heart and soul is real strength for endurance during painful, challenging times.

Mashalany has awakened my soul, and he started the fire in my heart—I crave for more. He proves intimacy is not purely physical, his dominant connectivity is deep into my soul. Mashalany defines the true meaning of love. He proves heart and soul is not an impetuous passion. He shows the element of calm that looks beyond mere externals with great wisdom, devotion, and discrimination that is real and abiding. He is selfless, yet ready for sacrifice. I was overwhelmed by his patience and gradual victory of penetrating my heart and soul.

Mashalany touched my life—I’m privileged. Mashalany touched my heart –I’m blessed. Mashalany touched my mind—I’m honored. Mashalany touched my soul—I have received victory and triumph. And Mashalany touched my spirit for a miracle.


Yuriko Terasaka is proud of her Japanese heritage. Traveling to Japan visiting relatives and embracing the beauty of Japan has been a journey of passion and devotion. She feels immensely blessed to have the privilege of being born to a Japanese mother and an American father. Both cultures have enriched her perspective of life on earth. Her first book, The Arab King of My Heart and Soul is a reflection of her desire for understanding the beauty of cultures around the world. At the same time, she desires to experience true romance. 

The Tale of Genji is like War and Peace, both are long readings yet necessary for acceptance, compassion, and good insight or judgment. Yuriko also can relate to some of the women in the Tale of Genji. She has enjoyed writing this first book because it is written entirely from her heart. Yuriko genuinely wishes everyone to enjoy, learn, and experience a true love life on earth. She has sincerely enjoyed writing each word and sharing her experience and welcomes your feedback. Yuriko hopes you will share her book with friends and family for enlightenment and a different way of looking at true love of the heart little by little using only the eyes—go deeper than the physical. Be a role model, be the exception, be different, be the example, the world needs more Bs. 

She loves traveling, walking, swimming, reading, most recently Dragon Boating, or anything new that challenges her fear. 

True love has no culture, boundaries, race, or religion. It is pure and beautiful like the moon’s reflection on a quiet lake. To have the immortal essence of my being—is that the Arab king of my heart and soul?







定價:100 1080



