Humanism: Foundational Terachings of John Dietrich, Father of Modern Humanism

Humanism: Foundational Terachings of John Dietrich, Father of Modern Humanism


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HUMANISM: Foundational Teachings of Rev. John Hassler Dietrich, The Father of Modern Religious and Secular Humanism. 1920's and 1930's. Human beings, mostly men, made up stories of Gods, Bibles and holy book's, out of imagination, with no evidence. Some of them became strong by convincing people to follow them and their God's live in the imagination of the believer. None of the Religions were Democratic because they all believed their own God had the final truth.Some People always doubted what religions had to say so they found each other and created a Scientific Method to study the Universe and our World that allowed all Scientifically minded people to have a say in what was true and debate the ideas to see what works and what does not work. Many Scientists reject the God Concept due lack of evidence and explain how natural law demonstraits that matter and energy exist and change shape and form, but was not created and cannot be destroyed. At the beginning of our Universe this matter and energy was crushed together under the greatest gravity that has existed, overheated and exploded about 13 to 15 billion years ago expanding into the Universe we see today. A few billion years later part of that matter and energy formed into the Earth where evolution occurred which evolved all life.Since humans developed from Nature rather than being created, we live, act to be creative, die without a soul, God, heaven or hell or immortality. When we die we cease to exist, and all suffering ends. We live as though to agree with Mark Twain's statement about what he thought of Dying when he said, "I was dead (not existing) for billions of years before I was born and it did not hurt me at all."Humanists could cry and be sad that we have only one life but we choose to see the good in our one life, to enjoy it and improve on it for us now and for our children in the future, knowing that when we die all awareness, pain and suffering will end. There are only about 500 of Dietrich's hour long presentations out of 1500 he researched and wrote. A few of these presentations are foundational teachings that teach us what Humanism is. The rest are about how these foundational teachings apply to any issues of Human concern in a World with no God. The Scientific Method, not Religion or God, tells us what the Universe and Earth are and how they came to be and how they function, including Evolution. Humans have no knowledge of any God. Humans simply made up ideas about Gods and Religions. The Universe may have come to be when all of the matter and Energy existing compacted by gravity into a tiny mass and then exploded into the Universe we see today billions of years later. Or it may have popped into existence from nothing. These are two ways science explains it today but as we learn more it may be explained in other ways. When the Earth formed several billion years later, by chance, this globe had all of the water, gases and other things that was necessary to create an atmosphere. This atmosphere generated heat and lightning, which caused some tiny organisms to form. Over those billions of years they evolved into larger and larger creatures until some of them became too large to exist. Those began to diminish in size. Many of these smaller ones evolved into more complex creatures. Eventually some of these creatures developed larger brains and became humans, the ancestors of all of us who exist today. Over thousands of years some of these humans made discoveries, which allowed humans to live easier lives. These humans created what we need to live. Other humans made up stories Gods to try to make sense of the World.







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