Family Legacies: Our History Told Through Stories and Tributes

Family Legacies: Our History Told Through Stories and Tributes


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Over the years the term Creole has meant many things to many people, depending on who you are. But there is evidence that both French and Spanish Colonial Louisiana identified all its people (white, black and mixed), both free and enslaved, who were born in the New World, of old-world stock as "Creole." That included the offspring of Europeans (predominantly French and Spanish), Africans, and a mixture of both, and could also include Native Americans. Therefore, the descendants of all these people can claim Creole Heritage. LA Creole identifies the "gens de couleur" or people of color, as the mixed-race descendants of those early colonial inhabitants of Louisiana who became a unique ethnic group. Our organization has adopted this explanation as our understanding of Creole.In 2004, an all-volunteer organization named the Louisiana Creole Research Association, Inc. (LA Creole) convened a small group of thirty people who became the charter members. The original members had previously met at genealogy conferences and online Creole research websites. Many of them were family historians themselves, and others just had the passion to learn. So, with hard work and determination LA Creole was formed as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization with the following mission: "To advance family research, provide education, and celebrate Creole Culture."We hope "Family Legacies: Our History Told Through Stories and Tributes" will serve as a resource for future genealogy research. But just as important, this book will most certainly provide a record of proud family stories for generations to come. Some of the stories cite extensive research gleaned from historic documents and records. Others are simple biographical narratives, tributes, and memoirs celebrating beloved family heroines and heroes. They all, however, remember lives and deeds that have contributed to the lasting values, culture, and unique history and heritage of families. Whether in times of trial and uncertainty, or in moments of triumph and celebration, it is almost always fitting and sometimes a comfort to recall the faith, strength and resiliency of those who came before us. Examining the lessons and life examples of those who taught us, or who paved the way through their contributions and achievements, can enrich our own experiences and often even inspire. These are some of the responses we felt as we read and edited the stories and tributes in this collection. We hope you will find these same insights and many more







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