War Concepts & Battle Implementation: Warfare & Security System - Before, Now & Into the Future

War Concepts & Battle Implementation: Warfare & Security System - Before, Now & Into the Future


:NT$ 460 元
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Warfare has co-existed with humans ever since creation. Conflict has been part of human existence as far as history could recollect. The type of warfare being fought at any point in history is dependent upon the available technology at that particular period. Successful tactics at one point in history are not however necessarily successful at another. Economic might sustain wars and conflicts. The ancient and middle age's courtesy of war declaration is barbaric in the twenty first century warfare. Most, if not all Islamic terrorists who are fueled by sinister ideology has redefined the order or system of battle in the twenty first century. The evil that is Terrorism must be tackled headlong by whatever kind of alliance, coalition or military drills and exercises to keep fit and updated to current reality.They(Terrorists) attack any type of targets whether for territorial gains or for ideological convenienceThis type of military strategy leveraged on flexibility and deterrence to bring the enemy into total submission after the damaging shock. To achieve military prowess and gain superiority against an opponent or military enemy, the general elements of planning must be exercised. The winning card in warfare has three faces or sides. In warfare situation, scientific research facilities and personnel are optimized to its peak level. The size and flexibility of a country's industrial base proved an effective indication of its military capacity. Modern war strategists simulate real-time battle situations and even undertook real-time war game room scenarios. In modern warfare, tactics are becoming increasingly more complex because of the sophisticated equipment now available. A commander will seek tactics that will give optimum chance of accomplishing a mission with the least damage to the commander's forces. One of the most important tools of perpetual alertness is early warning system. Alliance is a multilateral aggregation of components to achieve greater strength which hither to would not be realized by a single entity no matter how powerful it is.Knowing full well that security is capital intensive and the long term benefit is unquantifiable in value, while insecurity on the other hand is even more capital expensive in costs, more damaging in capital and human blood. it becomes apparent that joint military exercises or drills are marriage of necessity and indispensability because a defeat to one will lead to the next being targeted and overwhelm like a contagious disease.Once sighted, the terrorists will feel the implementation of the might of an unmanned aerial predator drones missile falling on them without warning







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