Life Support: The Healing Power of the Staples

Life Support: The Healing Power of the Staples


:NT$ 520 元
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Food keeps us alive but good food gives us Life

Imagine the world without grains or tubers. That means waking up one day to no bread, no tortillas, no corn, and no rice. Since Mother Nature gives in abundance, there would still be plenty to eat. We would eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, meat, seeds, and nuts. We would not starve yet the world would be in one big uproar. Why? Some groups of people would say that there is no food.

Do you realize that people have fought wars over grains, and bread? Have you ever heard of a war that originated from vegetables? Not to say that they are not important, no, they are crucial and instrumental in keeping us in optimal health. I am simply implying that staple foods are particularly important to humans. Because of staple foods, people have initiated wars while others won wars and conquered empires by simply manipulating the supply and distribution of staple foods.

The staples are the most consumed foods in the world. They fuel humanity, providing us with energy to grow and develop. Besides, they have loyally been with us since the days of foraging. Always giving, filling, fueling, and moving humans forward. What you may not realize is that staple foods are medicine.

Over the years, cereal grains, roots, and tubers have acquired a bad name. The allegations leveled against them include weight gain, diseases, and low nutrition. The time to understand the role of staples in our bodies is now. After that, you can see how staples heal our bodies and fuel our brains. In this book, you will learn interesting facts about staples and their journey throughout history including;

  • The journey from foraging to agriculture
  • The process of plant and animal domestication
  • How big a role staples played in human civilization
  • Their nutritional value
  • Practical information on what foods to make from grains, roots, and tubers
  • How to shop for staples; what to look out for
  • Their role in our health
  • Staples in preventive and curative medicine
  • More about carbohydrates
  • The famous gluten; is it good or bad?
  • You have a chance to eat healthy food that is filling, full of nutrients, and tasty yet food that can improve your health forever. You heard the famous saying, 'Let your food be thy medicine' The time is here and now, do not be left behind.

    Take charge of your health by consuming whole grains and tubers. They are found in every part of the world. A quality life is an energized life and the best natural energizers are staple foods. They are available, satiating, nutritious, and healing. Do not be left behind, make your health a priority. Have you embraced the benevolence of staple foods?







    定價:100 520



