Stolen Election?: Democrats say: "fair and just;" Republican cowards surrender to Democrats

Stolen Election?: Democrats say: "fair and just;" Republican cowards surrender to Democrats


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The facts show that Democrats believe nothing unless CNN & all the liberal media outlets tells them it is so. Have you heard one true story about election fraud and corruption executed by the bad actors in the corrupt battle ground states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, & Wisconsin? Yes, I know the picture on the front-cover is not 2020. If you found that, you will enjoy the book. Surely, unless you get your news from CNN, you know that in December, the State of Texas challenged results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin because of corruption but the chicken-hearted high court scaredy cats were too afraid of Antifa and BLM to take the case so they claimed that Texas did not have standing to bring the case. Bulldinky The four states that Texas sued clearly used unconstitutional means to steal the election for Biden and it affected every citizen of the US in every state. Moreover, if the Supremes took the case, they would have discovered enough fraud to overturn the elections in all four states giving Trump more than the 270 electoral votes as necessary for the win. The Supremes protected their own butts by making no decision. They punted leaving America in the lurch. We do not need chickens in the Supreme Court. We are better off with Turkeys than lily livered chickens. Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers whose observers were excluded from observing after extensive analysis found "troubling" discrepancies. These were widely reported. Democrats were happy with the results and remained MIA in the foray. There were discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 election. This is an impossibility yet it stands. One must ask how the results could have been certified by Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar. Heck, they won. That explains it. Attorney Sidney Powell explained what went down in PA on Election night. "The very night of the election many people saw something they had never seen before in the history of our elections. They saw votes being changed on the screen in front of them, going from President Trump to Mr. Biden. Life in America will never be the same if this goes without a stand. Biden is not the president. The overriding recommendation in this book is for conservatives to use leftist playbooks and play like Biden is not the president. He is not our president. Then, every Republican in Congress and the Senate who turned his back on conservatives needs to be replaced in the primary. We need to replace RINOS with patriotic Americans. The time has come for America to create the American MAGA Party







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