His Rider Her Hitta 2: Bloody End

His Rider Her Hitta 2: Bloody End


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Recap from His Rider Her HittaKENAN I continued holding my brother in my arms as tears fall from my face. It was the second time today. I lost my son, my crazy ass baby mother and my brother man This nigga Marc must go. It ain't safe anymore. "Kenan, bro we have to go. Come on man. We must get the fuck up outta here. It's about to get hot as shit. Let's go, man." King said pulled my arm as I laid Pac down before fighting to get up and runoff at the same time. I ran out the building a few blocks down to where I parked my car. I got in as I began flipping out. What the fuck am I going to do now? This shit must end I'm sick of this nigga son I felt something cold running down my chest. I looked down to see my white shirt soaked in blood. FUCK I think I just popped my stitches opened. I pulled out my phone hitting up Chelsea. I mean she only lived a block away and right now I needed to attend to this shit before a nigga passed the fuck out. "Hey Kenan, is everything okay? " She said answering the phone with the sexiest voice that I have ever heard. "Do you mind if I stop through?" I asked for a short period of silence lingered on the other end of the phone. "Umm. Yeah, it's fine. But are you sure that everything is okay?" She asked again. "Yeah, I am a good ma. I will see you shortly." I said hanging up. I could hear Pac's voice telling me that I should ask shorty out, but I didn't know if she was going to be willing to deal with this lifestyle that I was living. Losing people come apart of life. Oh, pulled at her crib what seemed to be five minutes after I got off the phone with her. I got out the car as I felt the blood dripping down the side of my leg onto my new pair of Tim's. Damn I knocked on the door twice as I heard someone walk from one room to the door. When it opened, I looked into the face of my twin. My daughter Rayan. Looking just as beautiful as Raine was. Damn, Chelsea wasn't lying about shorty looking like me. I have a daughter. But what can I offer her? A life for of the streets and being afraid of something going to happen to her or Chelsea? This fuck nigga Marc had to go before I allow him to take away from me anyone else that I love. "What's wrong Kenan? You ain't looking like yourself right now. I think it is super stupid to have left the hospital before..." She started as I cut her off. "Listen, I had to leave some fucked up shit took place. This bitch ass nigga from the south side that I grew up with. Someone I'm beefing with just killed my son man. The nigga put a bullet in my baby's head. Then my boy Pac killed himself cause that same nigga killed his shorty and their unborn baby. Shit is fucked up right now. Until I say so don't go back near my crib or the block. It's hot right now, and the last thing I want is for you or my daughter to get caught in the crossfire. Some shit is about to go down, and I need you to trust me." I said as Rayan came running back into the living room. "Rayan, baby go into the back. I will call you when I'm done. " She said waiting until she couldn't see her before she continued. "You can't be serious right now Kenan. What are you gonna do? Whatever you're thinking is not gonna bring your son back. I know. Do you think for one moment that I didn't want revenge against the guy that killed my sister? The guy that made me a parent when I wasn't ready to be a parent. Now I have to protect Rayan and myself as well. Please, Kenan, don't do what you are thinking about doing." She said as she cleaned up my wound. While her hand went down my chest and got to touching all over my abs, I placed my hand on top of hers as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. I moved in closer trying to kiss her appealing, heavenly lips as she walked away. I guess that I read something that wasn't there.







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