Flashback to 1970 - A Time Traveler's Guide: Celebrating the people, places, politics and pleasures that made 1970 a very special year. Perfect birthd

Flashback to 1970 - A Time Traveler's Guide: Celebrating the people, places, politics and pleasures that made 1970 a very special year. Perfect birthd


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- - - Also available in other years - - -Let's FLASHBACK to 1970 ─ a very special year. Was this the year you were born? Was this the year you were married?

Let's travel back in time to celebrate your year, THE YEAR 1970, with this slim 70+ page book packed with fun-filled fabulous facts.

Enjoy a trip down memory lane, as you discover the people, the places, the politics, and the pleasures that made the year 1970 so special and unique, influencing the world we know today.

Imagine if time-travel was a reality, and one fine morning you wake up to find yourself flashed back in time, back to the year 1970.

What would life be like for a typical family, in a typical town, somewhere in America?

By the start of the 70s, our cultural gaze had shifted away from London's swinging 60s, back to the USA. The hippie view of the world, with its emphasis on peace, love and nature....(cont.)

Now just imagine you flashed back to a town in 1970 England.

Although not all doom and gloom, the United Kingdom had found itself slipping on the world stage.... (Get the book to read more )

Expertly written by author B. Bradforsand-Tyler, a history teacher with a passion for sharing his knowledge. This slim 70+ page book makes the perfect unique and thoughtful gift for anyone born or married in the year 1970.

Celebrating the people, places, politics, and pleasures that made 1970 a very special year.

Contains just the right amount of light-hearted trivia and serious international feature-news articles.

A beautifully presented book filled with vintage photo reproductions on every page. Includes more than 20 rare vintage advertisements, many reproduced in full-page, with added enlarged text for easy reading.

Contains expertly researched and written original full-page feature articles on:

  • 1970 Family Life in the USA,
  • Life in the United Kingdom,
  • Our Love Affair with Automobiles,
  • Tuning in to Television,
  • Anti-Vietnam War Sentiment,
  • Kent State University Shootings,
  • Hippies and the Rise of the Communes,
  • The Clean Air Act,
  • Introducing Earth Day,
  • The First Pride Parades,
  • Inaugural Jumbo Jet Flight,
  • Apollo 13 Failed Moon Mission,
  • Sesame Street Hits Our Screens,
  • Schwarzenegger Mr. Olympia,
  • British Commonwealth Games,

Plus 8 pages of fashion trends.

Also includes:

  • Sporting highlights,
  • 1970 in Cinema and Film,
  • Most Popular TV Shows,
  • Billboard Top 30 Songs,
  • Famous People Born in 1970,
  • Census Statistics and
  • Costs of Goods.

The Time-Traveler's Guide - Flashback series of books are a hit with all generations. Leave them on the coffee table for the kids to enjoy too







定價:100 659



