What Is The Smoke And Mirrors Economy, Why The Smoke And Mirrors Economy Is A Weak Economy, How People Who Refuse To Work In Any Capacity Are Able To

What Is The Smoke And Mirrors Economy, Why The Smoke And Mirrors Economy Is A Weak Economy, How People Who Refuse To Work In Any Capacity Are Able To


:NT$ 800 元
可得紅利積點:24 點


This essay sheds light on what is a smoke and mirrors economy, explicates why the smoke and mirrors economy is a weak economy, and demystifies how people who refuse to work in any capacity are able to pay their bills and have a high standard of living. Moreover, how to receive unlimited money and unlimited benefits for a lifetime without ever working a single day in your life is elucidated and how to receive far more money than a millionaire without ever working a single day in your life is revealed in this essay. Furthermore, the ample causes of extreme poverty are demystified and how attending school causes extreme poverty is delineated in this essay. Moreover, how to generate extreme wealth online on social media platforms by profusely producing ample lucrative income generating assets is elucidated in this essay. Additionally, the utmost best income generating assets to create for generating extreme wealth online in the digital era are identified, how to become a highly successful influencer online on social media platforms is demystified, and the plethora of assorted benefits of becoming a successful influencer online are revealed in this essay. Furthermore, how to attain extreme fame leverage is demystified and how to earn substantial money online so that you can afford to eminently enrich every aspect of your life is meticulously expounded upon in this essay. A smoke and mirrors economy is simplify a very weak economy that can give off the erroneous impression of appearing to be a robust economy from the perspective of an outsider because it is propped up by debt financing. In a smoke and mirrors economy, no middle class exists. In a smoke and mirrors economy, only two income classes exist which encompass the insurmountably indebted class and the ultra wealthy class. The disparities in wealth are so lofty in a smoke and mirrors economy that four people have more wealth than 60% of the population as an aggregate. A smoke and mirrors economy is also a controlled market economy in which the unemployment rate hovers around 90%-95% and is slated to amplify to an unprecedented height in the pending future as more and more people exit the workforce. In a smoke and mirrors economy, only 5%-10% of population work real private sector jobs based on voluntary demand and that employed demographic cohort continues to perpetually diminish as more and more exit the private sector workforce. A smoke and mirrors economy is propped up by debt financing even to the extent that the average employee who works a real private sector jobs based on voluntary demand has at least $80,000 of debt as their negative net worth when they pass away since the cost of living is so egregiously high and the standard of living is so egregiously low in a smoke and mirrors economy. It also does not help that most real private sector jobs based on voluntary demand do not pay anything close to 1/4 of a subsistence wage for affording housing in a smoke and mirrors economy. A smoke and mirror economy is also a controlled market economy with no semblance of safety net nor universal basic income, in spite of their being over 13,000 evisceration fees imposed by bureaucratic apparatuses in which people who work real private sector jobs based on voluntary demand pay into and do not receive anything for paying into. In a smoke and mirrors economy, it can be very costly on the individual's end just to be able to afford to buy food, especially if they succumb to living a life fraught with wage slavery, indigence, destitution, insurmountable debt, poor health, and extreme poverty in which they receive an infinitesimal non-subsistence wage by working a highly time consuming, debilitating, dead end, minimum wage, dispiriting, unfulfilling, undesirable, harrowing, distressful, brutally wretched job for an employer. In a smoke and mirrors economy, there is no semblance of safety net nor universal basic income and basic needs are not provided to people for free.







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