Needle in a 150000 letter haystack: The Biggest and Most Fun Book of Word Search Puzzles Ever

Needle in a 150000 letter haystack: The Biggest and Most Fun Book of Word Search Puzzles Ever


:NT$ 1200 元
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Word search puzzles are fun!This book features an interesting twist on this classic word search trivia quiz format, with a new form factor that emphasizes pure visual problem solving. You will not need a pen and paper to solve it: your eyes and your quickness of wit and your vocabulary of common English words will get you through!Here are some unique advantages of the puzzles in this book, and some tips and tricks to ensure that your experience is as enriching as possible:1. To start with, you should do a quick visual scan of the puzzle, that lasts 5-15 seconds. This is a good way to get your brain used to the puzzle, and it comes with a 10% chance that you will get lucky and spot the word instantly. If you are playing the puzzle competitively with a friend, this can be a great way to look like a genius! The whole puzzle has 400 letters, and your word of interest has 7-10 letters, so it's definitely like looking for a needle in a haystack.2. Next, you can go line by line. To escape the monotony that can come with doing a full scan every time, you can start with all the odd numbered lines, first. This is a good thing, because your brain will look at the even lines as well, subconsciously, and you effectively halve the amount of work you have to do.3. If you get stuck and need the solution, remember to look up the word that's hidden in the grid, in case you don't already know it. In this way, the game becomes a really good vocabulary development tool as well; you learn English and you exercise your brain, and make it more nimble.It is important to time the attempts you take for each puzzle, and to try to grind down the time as you get more and more experienced.For the first few puzzles, a time of 100 seconds is perfectly acceptable - even longer, if you like. Where you start doesn't really matter, as long as you can better the time by an average of 1 second per puzzle. By the time you reach the second half of the hundreds of puzzles in this volume, you will be a grizzled veteran, and will be able to astonish any friend you challenge to a game of word search with you by your command over the format.I am sure you will have a great time, and be educated and entertained. All the very best!







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